1. Raisins

It is well known that sugar may help the bacteria damage your teeth by letting them stick to their surface, but raisins contain different kinds of sugar which are not that damaging. Phytochemicals found in raisins have the ability to destroy the bacteria responsible for the development of plaque, and that makes it beneficial in many ways. Some studies have even shown that raisins are also good for the gums, because some of the compounds found in it make the reproduction of bacteria responsible for gum diseases harder.

2. Cranberries

Because they contain polyphenols, chemicals that do not allow the plaque to stick to your teeth, cranberries are a good example of food that is beneficial for your oral health. However, because of the not so appealing taste of this particular fruit, many cranberry products contain large amounts of sugar, which is, of course, not a great way to keep your teeth healthy.

3. Black tea

Besides being a great and healthy substitute for coffee, black tea has other interesting features. Just like cranberries, it also contains polyphenols, and various studies have shown that three to four cups a day decrease the amount of bacteria found in the mouth. It is not a big deal if you add some sugar – it will still help in fighting tooth decay. Black tea can also help with bad breath issues, as it neutralizes sulfur compounds, which are responsible for this particular condition. If you do not enjoy drinking this beverage, you should know that rinsing with it also has its benefits. So, do not neglect black tea, it’s been with us for years, and with some valid reasons, too.

4. Cheese

There are numerous benefits when it comes to this particular dairy product. Some types of cheese can help you lose weight and will help you balance your blood-sugar levels. It is also a great source of protein, which is a nutrient crucial for the proper development of muscle, as they are made from it. If we are talking about the influence that it has on our overall oral health (and we are), we have to mention that some studies have shown that it lowers the acid levels in the mouth, thus slowing down the development of bacteria and neutralizing the plaque acid. Of course, we all know that cheese is very rich in calcium, which makes it even clearer why it is so good for the teeth.

5. Apples

This delicious fruit has been given the royal title for a reason. There is no balanced diet that doesn’t include eating apples, and because it is rich in all kinds of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and easily digestible carbs that makes it beneficial in numerous ways. When it comes to teeth, chewing apples can help in keeping them clean, because it increases the production of saliva in our mouth which washes off the bacteria, and chewing off a bite of apple will mechanically clean your teeth.

Nothing will protect your teeth if you neglect oral hygiene

All of the food mentioned above can help in keeping your teeth healthy and good looking, but you should not use them as a replacement for good oral hygiene habits. Brushing your teeth when you wake up, after big meals and before you go to bed, flossing at least twice a day and even rinsing with mouthwash should not be neglected, no matter what you eat during the day and how healthy and well-balanced your diet is. If you are afraid of the dentist or don’t want to spend tons of money on fixing your teeth then put some effort into keeping them clean, and keep in mind that problems with tooth decay can be the trigger for some other bigger issues such as coronary diseases and all kinds of digestive problems.

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