More often than not, we take ourselves for granted. We forget that we have incredible characteristics that are unique just to ourselves. It’s important to take stock of what makes you, as a person, a prize. Over the course of your life, you may have opportunities to fall in love with a few people. Being the first person you always stay in love with can enhance the love you’ll be able to give to others. Not to mention, make life a whole lot sweeter. Here are 5 signs that you’re in love with yourself like nobody else.

1. You rely on your confidence, not cockiness

When I was a child, my mother looked me in the eye and said, “No one is better than you but you are no better than anyone else.” These words have served as one of my life mantras. Confidence is the quality of knowing that you have worth. Therefore, your actions and words are an extension of your worth; they are respected and respectful. Cockiness is the quality of acting as if you are better than others. Therefore, your actions and words reflect an ill-mannered attitude and insecurities. Relying on the former is a symbol of recognizing your own value; that you have something good to offer. Confidence allows us to be our best selves. When you operate with confidence, you also enable the people around you to offer the best of themselves. Clear proof that you don’t feel like you’re in competition with anyone but yourself — a loving and wonderful place to be.

2. You are your sturdiest rock

It’s important to value the opinions of your tribe. After all, they care about you and have your heart in mind. However, when you truly love yourself, you may take polls amongst friends and family, but ultimately you choose what’s best for your personal journey — regardless of popular opinion. You can’t have love without trust. Listening to yourself and trusting those interior words is modus operandi for you, because, at your core, you are solid and self-possessed.

3. You have great inner dialogue

Everyone talks to themselves at one point or another. A fine sign that you love yourself is in the way you use inner dialoging. Many self-help gurus insist that you can change your life for the better simply by being careful with the words you use when speaking to yourself. By adopting encouraging language internally to celebrate even small victories, you’ll be treating yourself like a genuine loved one. As well, really serving the hard truth when things get tough can also uphold your self-loyalty.

4. You don’t pay much attention to what people think about you

We’ve all sought approval from someone before: a parent, a lover, a boss, a friend. However, when you love yourself, you know that the only person you have to impress is you. Life is too short to be held hostage by the judgements of others. As a person who loves yourself unconditionally, you recognize that living up to someone else’s expectations is a life lived for someone else… and you don’t have time for that. Your opinions filter is set on high; you can differentiate constructive criticism from destructive criticism. You take the good, leave the bad, and keep it moving.

5. You treat yourself well

By this, I don’t mean going on a shopping spree at the closest designer boutique. Rather, you acknowledge that you’re human. You accept 100% of you and embrace all of it. You find perfection in all of your imperfections. You don’t get hung up on your mistakes, but you draw knowledge from them to build yourself up. You respect yourself in every aspect: mentally, physically, and spiritually, by making time to process your thoughts, maintaining your body’s health, and creating balance to harmonize as many layers of your life as you can. Mostly, you enjoy the world around you by allowing yourself to be fascinated, humbled, and invigorated by it as much as possible! Featured photo credit: stokpic/ed gregory via