1. Stand Up Straight

Years of slumping in unhealthy plastic chairs as a child at school, desperately trying to get comfortable, have probably done a number on your posture. Most people these days suffer from poor posture, which is not only unhealthy, but is also a certified way to make you look heavier, older and more tired than you actually are. So stand up straight, show off those abs and don’t just look better, but actually feel better!

2. Hold Cold Spoons Under Your Eyes

This may sound like an old trick, but I’ve been using it for years and it really does work. If you wake up and see that you’ve got the grocery bags for a family of four under your eyes, quickly pop into the kitchen before you get into the shower and put two metal tablespoons into the refrigerator. Then, when you’re done showering, gently press the cold spoons onto your under-eyes for at least thirty seconds (or longer, if necessary) and voilà! Instant puff-reduction! Though you might still have some dark circles… that’s where makeup might be necessary… sorry.

3. Use Moisturizer.

While this is probably already standard procedure for most of the ladies reading this, gents: please, please, throw some moisturizer on your face after you shower or wash. Dry skin will always look dull and sallow, making you look old, unhealthy, tired and just poorly groomed. Not only does using moisturizer on your face make you look better in the short-term, it will also help keep your skin looking young and healthy as you age. For best results, use a combined moisturizer and SPF, and if you already have oily or acne prone skin, or if you have just shaved your face, try an oil-free moisturizer type to prevent excessive shine, pimples and ingrown hairs. Also, those dark circles not taken care of by the spoons? Moisturizer will help with that, so go heavy under the eyes!

4. Make Sure You’re Wearing the Right Colors for You

Have you ever noticed that even on days when you feel great and your skin looks amazing, you put on your outfit for the day and all of a sudden… meh? That’s probably because you’re wearing the wrong colors for your personal color-type. Your color-type is determined by the undertones of your skin, hair and eyes, and knowing your color-type is essential to knowing which colors will look good on you and bring out your best attributes, and which colors will wash you out. Not sure what your color-type is? Try out this quick little color-type diagnostic quiz to find out, and also find tips about which colors will suit you.

5. Dance it Out

If you look like crap when you wake up in the morning, chances are you also feel like crap. To give yourself a jump start that doesn’t involve any potentially hazardous chemicals, just turn on some groove-tunes and dance while you’re getting ready. The happy, poppy tunes will put you in a better mood, and dancing will get your heartbeat up, effectively waking you up and also getting your blood flowing faster through your veins and into your skin. If your blood is circulating better, you’ll have better coloration in your skin, instantly making you look (and feel) more alive. Featured photo credit: pretty woman waking up and yawning/Shutterstock via shutterstock.com