With that said, i’m sure that many of you Life Hack devotees will be keen to learn more about how you can continue to hack life even when it’s over. The end of it all doesn’t have to be a time full of sorrow and grief. It can and should also be a celebration of who we were and a chance for us to put a big smile back on the faces of the people who loved us most. One last great life-hack. A post-life hack, whatever. The point is, you’ll still be winning. These five alternative ways to go out in style should certainly get you rethinking about whether you might ultimately also fancy an ending a little bit different to the more traditional methods. Sepoltura Albero means tree burial in Italian. One particular project that came to widespread media attention recently is called Capsula Mundi. This was developed by the Italian designers Raoul Bretzel and Anna Citelli. According to the idea behind their concept, the client simply chooses their favourite tree, and the body is then encapsulated in a big egg placed beneath the seed or sapling. A traditional burial often requires a coffin. Coffins are made out of wood and the forests that are chopped down to make them are pretty useful for our planet. This facts means that eco-friendly burials have already become popular and this project simply takes that to the next level. And it is only a project at this stage. In fact it is an art exhibition at the moment, but the people behind it believe it really could be a legitimate post-life hack of the future. The irony in this particular example is that this post-life hack would actually be illegal under Italian law. A Swedish company called Promessa has come up with a system to provide another eco-friendly burial service, but this is much more than a just a concept. The people behind this project are deadly serious about its potential as a post-life hack. Their machine cools the body to -18°C, and then uses liquid Nitrogen to turn this into a deep-freeze of around -196°C. A little bit of gentle vibration later and you’re all set. The resulting powder is buried underground and in 6 months time your loved ones will be left with fertile soil for growing some beautiful flowers or great big trees. Burial at sea is already one of the most commonly popular methods for those people who are choosing alternative final arrangements. With the scattering ashes at sea log having been a favourite for those people who have lived their lives along the coast. It is normally just the ashes which are scattered at sea, but it is also possible for a full sea burial to performed. You just need to have all the correct paperwork in place for this to be realised. This exit has become so popular in recent years that there are companies offering complete cruises based around the final ceremonial act. A Swiss company is now offering a service that turns your beloved’s ashes into sparkling diamonds. These very unique diamonds are created by extracting the carbon from the ashes and then compressing the carbon at a temperature of 2,500 °C (4,500 °F). Basically recreating a similar environment to that in which natural diamonds are brought into existence by nature. It is not actually all that uncommon for people to wear ashes encased within jewellery items. This innovative and unique service just upgrades that method, with the associated costs that you would expect. Any big Star Trek fans will already be familiar with this method as it was the one chosen by Gene Roddenberry after he had faced the final frontier. The ashes are sealed into a special kind of spaceship before being launched beyond the atmosphere. The orbit of this spacecraft are carefully studied so that the cremated remains do not contribute to any space debris. The actual destinations on offer are pretty awesome, with your available choices being either Earth’s orbit, the moon’s orbit, or all the way outside of our solar system. In Earth orbit missions, the spaceship which carries you re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere and the ashes are burned up completely on return. Anybody hoping to sign-off with this ultimate post-life hack should know that it does not come cheaply. Just 2 grams blasted into deep space will cost you around $20,000. Featured photo credit: JuergenPM via pixabay.com