If you’re not familiar with chocolate surprise eggs they are exactly what you would think, plastic eggs wrapped in a chocolate outer layer. In order to get the surprise you must eat the outside of the egg first or depending on your mood you could rip the chocolate off. By any means necessary the goal is to get the surprise egg. When my daughter first started eating them I must admit I was intrigued to know what the surprise was but after 5 consecutive eggs my daughter and I realized the surprise was always the same, bummer. While there was actually no longer anything “surprising” about the surprise egg, my daughter is still just as eager to open the egg each time to make sure the surprise hasn’t changed (it’s always a lion by the way). As I continue to watch her open the eggs over and over again I instantly began to think of insanity. Doing the same thing but expecting different results. Many of us don’t want to admit it but we all deal with insanity at some point in our lives. We keep getting to work late then complain about working later; we job hunt from left to right and keep landing the same miserable job and we even complain about how unhappy we are every day as if happiness will come the more we complain; insanity. So if you’re one of millions of people who continues to do the same thing and keeps expecting the same results here are 5 reasons why you should stop.

You’re Wasting Time

Do you complain every day? Eat junk food for breakfast? Spend hours scrolling through social media when you could be building your business? Congrats you are wasting time that you could be using to improve the life you’re unhappy about.

You’re Disappointing Yourself

Overtime you continue to do something and you know the results will never change, you’re only disappointing yourself.  While I hate wasting money on surprise eggs my daughter’s disappointment doesn’t impact me. Why disappoint yourself when the world around you does it almost daily.

You’re Not Advancing

I’m a firm believer that if whatever you are doing isn’t advancing you, it’s demoting you. I am often reminded of a the story of an old man who spent every single day in his rocking chair. He was convinced that just by sitting in the rocking chair he was making movement. Sadly, just because you’re moving doesn’t mean you’re going anywhere. The same holds true to repeatedly doing the same thing over and over again. Just because you’re doing something doesn’t mean it’s purposeful.

Nobody Wants To Be The Insane Friend

You know the friend that everyone has, the one who often complains about everything that’s going wrong in their life yet they’re never willing to do anything to change it. If you don’t know who the insane friend in your life is, it might be you and nobody wants to be the insane friend.

You’ll Be Doing Yourself A Favor

We live in a world where we are often more concerned about what impacts others versus what impacts us. Living a life of doing the same thing but expecting different results is not only frustrating to those around you but if you give it enough time it’s guaranteed to drive you insane too. Do yourself a favor and stop making the same mistakes, the moment you do you are guaranteed to watch the quality of your life improve. Featured photo credit: Tamara Bellis via unsplash.com