Sometimes relationships must end for the sake of love; other times it’s incompatibility in personalities or habits. In these cases, it may be beneficial to take a moment for self-reflection- especially if the problem seems to be a reoccurring trend in your love life. So think back: what are the most common reasons your relationships ended in the past? Clinginess? Emotional unavailability? Personal hygiene issues? Drinking? Wait, what was that last one? Drinking? Well, that’s definitely something to look into: here are 5 reasons your drinking destroyed your relationship.

You Prioritized Alcohol Over Your Lover

This one might seem pretty obvious- I mean, you would notice if you were neglecting your lover, right? Right? Not necessarily. Just as focusing on our careers can sometimes blind us to the other aspects of our lives which are suffering, alcohol abuse makes it hard to see anything else in our lives. Addiction is a disease of the mind for a reason- it completely hijacks your mind, rearranging your priorities. Even the most powerful love can be diminished in the face of feeding the demon of substance abuse. Thinking back, does that put things in perspective? Did you ever forget an important date due to your drinking? Or did you cancel your time together because you were nursing a hangover? Can you imagine how one could get the idea that they are not a priority when their significant other would rather drink than spend time with them? Good! Now make sure your next partner doesn’t have to feel that way.

You’re a Different Person When You’re Drunk

What’s the number one reason people enjoy drinking alcohol? For the lack of inhibitions, right? Having alcohol in your system makes it easier to do and say things we wouldn’t do otherwise. For some it’s about being able to relax in social situations which would normally induce anxiety; for others, it makes the party more fun. Everyone responds to alcohol differently- and the way you react to alcohol may be a problem. Be truthful to yourself: are you an angry or aggressive drunk? Sexually inappropriate? Excessively emotional? If your partners frequently express that your personality changes when drinking are causing conflicts in your relationship, take heed; especially if these personality changes are paired with violence. 80 percent of domestic violence cases include the ingestion of alcohol.

You Stopped Doing Anything That Didn’t Involve Alcohol

Do you find that you were once much more active and outgoing, but now you don’t have the same drive to get out and see things? You may account it to aging, but if perhaps you should re-examine that stance: could it be your alcohol consumption? Your body’s attempts to purge itself of alcohol after you overindulge can leave you sapped of energy, after all. If you no longer have the energy to enjoy hiking or going to the beach with your partner, but still find time to hit up a bar or liquor store, don’t be surprised when your lover decides to call it quits. Consistency is the key to maintaining a romance, and if part of your bond is a mutual enjoyment of extroverted activities and you no longer wish to due to being preoccupied with alcohol, they may elect to find someone with a bit more attention to spare.

Your Sex Drive Plummeted

For some people, sex isn’t an important factor in their romantic relationships- but for others, it is very important. Unfortunately for you, your binge drinking and regular blackouts lead to neglecting your partner’s physical needs- there’s just nothing sexy about flopping on the bed like a wet fish. In men, too much alcohol can lead to sexual dysfunctions which make sex pretty much a moot point. Your partner may feel that your sex life is a physical extension of your feelings toward one another; if your drinking is interrupting or causing a complete stop in that mode of expressing your love, they may feel neglected and unwanted. Of course, you are not obligated to provide this intimacy if you are genuinely disinclined, but don’t be too surprised when your partner announces they can no longer tolerate the rift your alcohol-fueled performance issues caused and they are opting out of the relationship.

You Communicate More with the Bottle Than with Your Partner

At the very basis of a functioning, healthy relationship is the ability to communicate openly with your partner about any and everything. That means no secrets or lies, and respecting your partner enough to include them in decisions which will effect both of you and your relationship. A breakdown in communication is a giant red flag that things may be going south. Of course, you didn’t see those signs; you were too busy communicating with your best friend at the bottom of a bottle. Often, when one has a lover with an alcohol abuse problem, one tends to internalize blame, thinking their shortcomings are the cause of their loved one’s addiction. While of course we know this isn’t true, that thought process leads to heartache, bitterness, and, ultimately, the termination of your relationship.