Then 4 p.m. approaches and BOOM … your mood plummets and everything feels bleak and hopeless (a legit thing – ask the experts). But you have the power to dramatically turn your day around when you decide to take control of your Sundays.

1. You’ll Create A Future Overflowing With Happy Sundays.

Choose to do your unpleasant chores or obligations on Saturday. This is when your energy and mood are naturally more positive. You will open Sunday up for unencumbered fun, when your psyche is most in need of it. Even better, accomplish those Sunday chores during the week. This will considerably free you up. Food shop online and have it delivered after work, do small loads of laundry here and there during the week, run your errands before or after work. If you have no choice but to do your chores on a Sunday, set a timer and do them and be done. Agonizing over what you have to do, interferes with your peace of mind and the quality of your Sunday.

2. You’ll Develop Skills Of A Forward Thinker.

On Friday, before the workday ends, plan your Monday schedule. Keep it as light and friendly as possible, gently reintroducing yourself to the beginning of the week. Who wrote the book on Mondays having to be a dreaded day? Rewrite that book. Changing a formed habit is sometimes all it takes to make a big difference, to make all the difference. Plan a treat for every Monday. Something to look forward to, something just for you. Make Mondays memorable.

3. You’ll Discover The Ideal Day For Pampering.

Sunday is the perfect day to dedicate to showering yourself with love and attention. You’ve taken care of business during the week, today is your day. By the end of Sunday, you’ll be refreshed and more than ready and willing to take on the challenges of the week. When late afternoon arrives, it’s especially important to do something fun. Turn up some music and joyously dance around your house, call a funny/inspiring friend, watch a movie that motivates and inspires you. Anything that says fun to you.

4. You’ll Become A Master At Setting Yourself Up For A More Positive Week.

When you make the choice to have a positive attitude on Sunday afternoons, you feel empowered. Think about your Sunday routine and decide what it would take to disempower the Sunday blues. Maybe all it would take is writing your feelings down as soon as you begin feeling blue. Keep writing and do not stop until every last drop of negativity is out of your system. How about lending a hand to those who are in need, or join a fun group that meets on Sunday afternoons. When you choose to take the power back, this wonderful feeling spills over into the rest of your week. You are no longer a victim. You will perform better at work, be more relaxed and feel healthier.

5. You’ll Be Able To Answer The Question “What Is My Purpose In Life”.

Once you do that, there’s no reason to feel sad on Sunday afternoon. Your life isn’t about the nine to five of Monday through Friday, it’s about something more meaningful. Setting up a life that you don’t need to escape from is your goal when the Sunday blues are threatening to overtake your night. Use this time wisely, determine what triggers this blue feeling and instead of sitting there dwelling, strategize. What is it that bothers you about Mondays? Do you work for an unbearable boss, is the traveling getting you down or do you just hate what you do? You are not getting the Sunday night blues because it’s the end of the weekend. You are getting the Sunday night blues, because you hate your job. This will not be solved in a day, but this is the ideal time to come up with realistic ways to solve this problem. Each Sunday, write down easy, achievable goals, and begin achieving them, slowly, steadily. The Sunday blues will melt away as you transform your life. Featured photo credit: shutterstock_287858642 via