They know how to deal with all different types of people

Working at a drive-through you encounter a diverse population as your customers. In the morning there are the commuters in a rush to get to their places of employment, in the afternoon the groups of teenagers from the nearby high schools and late at night the inebriated party animals. Each group has its own particular issues, but learning how to deal effectively with each group and display excellent customer service will not only help you in your future careers, but also situations within your personal life as well.

They are not afraid of a little dirt

In a fast-food environment you are bound to get spilled ketchup on your uniform or just general grime from working in a food establishment. Learning how to accept that life is sometimes messy, whether physically or emotionally, is a key skill that you can always use later on. The important thing to remember is how you deal with the mess and are able to move on from it afterwards.

They know that teamwork is key

Successfully getting a customer’s order correct is the result of each worker doing their part. From the person taking orders at the drive-through window to the people working in the kitchen prepping the food, everyone’s effort counts. When one team member skimps on their duties, it can easily be felt by the entire team. Learning to communicate with your co-workers to get a certain task done is important not only in a professional setting, but also for personal relationships.

They know that a little bit of kindness goes a long way

No matter what kind of day you have been having, when a customer says a kind word it brightens up your day. It can be as simple as “have a good day,” but human kindness can have a positive effect on you that will change your mood for the rest of your shift. The reverse is also true where service with a smile can make a big impression on your customers, since drive-through service is not always the friendliest.  It is important to remember this detail when you move on to other careers, no matter your position, since this simple gesture can open so many doors.

They learn that hard work will be rewarded no matter the job

Working at a drive-through may seem like a mindless job but, like any job, if you put in the hard work you will stand out. Pitching in to help out others, learning your duties quickly so that you can do your job in an efficient manner, going above and beyond what your job entails, will all get you noticed eventually by your supervisor. This will translate well if you need a job reference later on in life or are being considered for a promotion. Learning that no job is below you is a invaluable skill in the workplace and mastering the tasks you are given makes you a valuable employee no mater the position. Featured photo credit: Burger King, Shirley (like the one in Back to the Future)/Elliott Brown via