Of course there are medical and legal ways of assisting drug addicts that is if it is not too late already. I have dated a lady once who was a drug addict and somehow Stanley’s death brought me before the realities that I was dealt with in the relationship. It is always hard to walk away because you feel sorry for your partner and believe they would change. They rarely change. Drug addiction is a battle that could last for a lifetime. Here are 5 things that happen when you date a drug addict.

You are always having money issues

Trust me there will be money issues because your partner would need money to contain their horrendous habit. They would lie, steal, gamble or create arguments simply because they need money to buy their next dose of drugs. It would be frustrating because it could extend beyond simply buying drugs for them, but also taking care of other expenses for them. You may need to buy them meals, movie tickets and clothes. When you are in a relationship with a drug addict, you would always have money issues.

You can never be their priority

Yes, you want them to care about you just as much as you care about them. You want them to be there for you just as you are there for them. But the failing is that such compassionate emotions are always tilted to a particular person. When you are in a relationship with a drug addict, you shouldn’t expect the other person to take you as their number one priority. They would take their drug addiction as the top priority. Of course you might say the relationship is a selfish one, but it is the silly price you have to pay to date a drug addict.

They are as scared as you

Yes, I was scared for my girlfriend. I was always wondering what was going to happen to her, when she got caught with drugs or her reputation in society. Then there is the medical issue. I was pretty much scared for her. But I guess she was scared for me too. Even though I was scared of losing her, I knew she was scared to lose the fantasy that the drugs provided.

They want you to have a go at drugs too

There is always that temptation to join them in the act. Of course they want you to have a go at drugs too. It makes them feel they belong to you. Even when it is not your kind of thing, the pressure can be hard as you would always want to please and make them happy.

You will have to learn to forgive them

Many times they would apologize to you and seek your forgiveness. Yes, we all know it is tough trying to be a better person, and as much as they want to make you happy, they are constantly at war with themselves. The hard part is that you would have to be as tolerant as possible to keep them in your world. Most times, it is one to forgive them and it is another thing to forgive yourself for being in love with them. Featured photo credit: http://www.flickr.com via flickr.com