There are many benefits to rising earlier. So, if you are playing around with your sleep routine to see what works or if you want to push yourself out of your comfort zone, why not rise a couple of hours earlier to see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised at the benefits.

1. You’ll have much more quality time for yourself

You’ll have more quality time to yourself if you wake-up earlier, free of distractions. In the early hours of the morning, no one is bothering you. People are asleep. Facebook is asleep.You can dedicate your time and energy to activities that benefit you, whether it be reading, writing, exercising or any other soul-fulfilling activity.

2. You’ll have more time to exercise

Wake up earlier and free up additional time to exercise. You’ll feel motivated to walk outside and move your body while enjoying the sunrise and nature. Exercise by its very nature is healthy for you, but more so early in the morning. It provides you with fuel to conquer the day. It boosts your focus, concentration and ultimately your productivity. This is no secret.

3. You’ll be more in sync with nature (And the birds. Yes. The birds)

Not only will you be more in sync with yourself, but also with nature and your surroundings. By waking up earlier, you’ll have greater appreciation for smaller elements of life you previously took for granted, such as the humming of the birds. Over time you’ll become more in touch with nature. You’ll become more peaceful, relaxed and you’ll think clearer. You’ll be able to plan your day ahead with absolute conviction.

4. You’ll grow exponentially

Often, after a long day’s work, all you want to do is unwind. This is normal. But how often do you find yourself on the couch, in front of the television? Or browsing through Facebook? I’m sure this happens pretty often. I too am guilty of this. What’s worse is that this often (or sometimes, depending on who you are) extends beyond your bedtime, into the late hours of the morning. Whilst relaxation is important, such activities don’t allow for self-improvement. In fact, when you go to bed later, you wake up feeling exhausted as you’ve have spent added time glued to your screen. Wake up earlier to focus on your personal growth, distraction free. You’ll have greater clarity regarding your future plans.

5. You’ll sleep better (a lot better)

Over time, through waking up earlier, you’ll go to bed earlier. Ultimately you’ll sleep better and feel rejuvenated for the day ahead. You’ll have more energy and be a lot more productive. One study published in Springer Link found that those who go to bed later are more likely to be overwhelmed with repetitive negative thoughts.

It takes time (ease into it)

Of course, it takes time to form new habits, 21 days, in fact, research shows. As someone who has always struggled to wake up early, researching and writing this article has given me the necessary encouragement to challenge myself to do so. Why? Firstly, there are the benefits listed above. The benefits don’t arise from creating more time in the day or cutting back on sleep. The idea is to shift your sleep routine. This is where I have struggled – and I aim to change this. Secondly, I enjoy a challenge. If you do too, why not join me?