The following are 5 things that you can do to prepare your house to sell and reduce the risk of problems arising:


The exterior of your home is one of the first things a buyer will notice. A for sale sign on your property will do no good if your home does not have curb appeal. If your home needs to be painted, it will be the first thing a buyer notices and could be a deterrent in them even considering to step in the front door. Other than painting, your exterior improvements should also include trimming your lawn and making sure that all of the windows are clean and sparkling.


Along with the exterior of your home, the landscape can quickly turn off a buyer. If your yard is cluttered, take the time to clean it up before you even put up the for sale sign up. You will also want to mow frequently and trim any shrubs or bushes that have grown out of control. Planting flowers will also be beneficial; even if you simply put them in pots and place them on either side of the front door it will improve a buyer’s first impression of your home.


It will also benefit a serious seller to have a complete inspection of the property done in order to find and repair any issues with the home that could slow down the sale. Even if you do not hire a professional inspector, be sure to inspect your house with fresh eyes and try to see what other buyers are seeing. Something that could be considered a minor issue to you, like a sagging entry way floor, could be the reason a buyer does not wish to purchase your home.

Clean Like a Pro

As a homeowner, it is often necessary to cut corners when cleaning due to a lack of time. When you are trying to sell, however, cutting corners can result in no sale. Every room in your home must be cleaned properly. From your entryway to the upstairs bathroom, your home should sparkle. Once you thoroughly clean, keep it that way in case any unexpected appointments come your way. Being prepared can make a big difference in how long it takes your home to sell.

Showcase Each Room

Buyers want to know what each room in the home is and how it can be used. Before you show your home, make sure to showcase each room so that its purpose is obvious to the buyer. While you may have used that extra bedroom for storage, a potential buyer will want to see it for what it really is supposed to be. You may even wish to consider having your home professionally staged as it can often lead to a quicker sale and a higher price for your home.

Final Thoughts

Selling your home can be stressful, but to eliminate some of that stress, you can follow this advice to ensure a successful sale. A complete renovation may not be possible (or necessary), but you can complete small projects to improve its appearance and make sure it is clean. While these things may seem small to you, to a buyer they can be either the thing that inspires them to buy or the thing that is the cause for their rejection of your home. Featured photo credit: Pexels via