You can create some of the most beautiful decorations for your home or garden by simply modifying the items you’d originally throw away. Here are five things we normally discard, which have a hidden aesthetic value you can tap into.

1. Old Hubcaps

The first thing on this list are hubcaps that you are no longer using. These don’t look good only on your wheels; they can also look great in your garden. With a little paint and plastic strapping, you can successfully transform old hubcaps into big flowers. You can put those in your garden or create a wall garden. You can use cable ties and attach them to the outer edge of your hubcap to act as petals. As far as flower stems are concerned, branches should do it. You can use spray paint to add colors before you assemble the whole thing. To attach the stems to your flowers, you can use plastic strappings and, if you have some big leaves, you can tie them to the branch. Once all of that is done, you get one giant flower. Moreover, instead of a branch, you can use plastic or metal poles for stems and you can use painted cardboard to act as leaves.

2. Old Tires

Since we are on the subject of car parts, here’s another one you can use as a decoration or furniture instead of tossing it aside. Used up tires are no longer reliable, there’s no reason to continue using them and you can’t sell them. What should you do with them? Turn them into furniture; that’s what. The most important thing to do here is just to make sure your tires are properly washed. Next, you can use some old pillows or any other sort of substance like rice, to fill the tires and use glue and rope to wrap them up. It can be hard to elaborate without a picture, but you can find all sorts of fancy tire DIY projects online. You can make various other decorations and there are many different projects provided in the previous link. So, have fun making your own furniture.

3. Wooden Pallet

You don’t need a whole new bed; all you need is a new mattress and some wooden pallets. You can also clean them and re-paint them, and then just stack them together one  on top of the other. It will serve as one big wooden pallet bed frame. The next step is quite obvious; just throw a mattress over your wooden pallet stacks and you’re done; it’s as easy as that. Of course, you can add various features and use wooden pallets to create all sorts of decorations, but the bed looks really nice and it’s really easy to make.

4. Crutches

In the event that you had a fractured bone or a sprained ankle and had to use crutches to get around, you are in luck. Sure, now you are all healed up and the crutches only bring up bad memories, but there’s no reason to throw them in the dumpster, since they can be used for all kinds of things. This project is simple but brilliant, and you’ll have a nice small shelf that you can put basically anywhere. All you need are three wooden planks that you should saw in order to get three different lengths (each one shorter than the other) and some glue. Turn the crutches upside down and place them together to form a triangle. Put one plank on the bottom, atop the handles for armpits, place the middle plank on middle handles, and glue the smallest plank as close to the top as possible. You can see in the picture above to check how it’s supposed to look.

5. Wine bottles

The video here is to show you how to cut bottles properly, and once you know how to do that, a whole world of possibilities will open up. You can use bottles to customize your light bulbs, or to create a glass vase for flowers. You can also cut them and turn them into dishes for serving salads or you can use them as lamps. There are so many different ways to use them, so you can get quite creative with these projects. The best thing about DIY decorations is that they are completely unique. They look great and there is a sense of achievement attached to the projects, because you made all of it yourself. When you get good at this, you can even open up an Etsy account and earn some cash by selling fine craftsmanship. I hope you’ll have fun experimenting and that this article has inspired you to take action, and to avoid throwing away everything you have no immediate use for. Featured photo credit: via

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