1. They are not easy

Gentleladies are not in a hurry to “get to the second base” or to “seal the deal” as they value high quality relationships and love to enjoy each moment of the courtship process. They will appreciate taking more time to know you and discover what kind of person you really are before becoming more intimate. Also, they feel it is simply inappropriate to burn through the steps, as it could lead them to be disrespected further along the way. For that reason, it is better to not go with an “end goal” in mind, especially if you are on a date with her for the first time.

2. They love protective gestures

Gentleladies don’t feel the need to always prove how strong they are or to challenge others on a constant basis, for they prefer to simply be themselves and entrust their delicate nature to a partner who will take care of them. When walking together, they love if you walk on the street side protecting them from the cars, but they also love when you remove obstacles from in front of them, for example, opening doors might be a great chance to prove this trait. If there is a staircase, they will appreciate if you hold their hands, and if it rains, you hold the umbrella over them. Those are mainly symbolic gestures but they reflect the fact that you respect them, love them and, more importantly, you are capable of protecting them.

3. They expect you to follow etiquette

Pulling her chair out and allowing her to face the room in a restaurant, using the utensils properly, paying the bill, or not criticizing her cooking if she is the host are considered the polite basics that you should always abide by. Gentleladies are more traditional and will surely appreciate your effort for being a little more classy. If you have a date with her, be on time, and if you really like her, after a few dates, she would greatly value if you demonstrated interest in meeting her parents or siblings. Not only because it is a proper etiquette but also because it reveals that you really respect and care for her.

4. They are very loyal and have high standards

Even if you have just recently started dating her, a gentlelady will always be loyal to you and will expect the same from you in return. She will also expect you to keep the private information she tells you for yourself, and to never hit on another women. Gentleladies assume that you have some integrity and that you take the relationship seriously. It is of primary importance for her to be able to fully trust you and your commitments to her. Dating a gentlelady will require more diligence but keep in mind that if you do it, you can expect the same in return.

5. They prefer that you take charge

Unlike a more independent woman, a gentlelady will expect you to take charge in certain situations. If you plan to have dinner with her in a restaurant, make sure to have a reservation first! She will appreciate the fact that she can entrust you with the planning of the date. From picking her up to bringing her safely back home at the end of the date will greatly increases your chances with her, and who does not love a well-planned romantic date, right? Dating a “take-charge” gentleman who has taste and creativity will allow her to feel safe and predispose her to the enjoyment of life’s pleasures without having to worry about petty details.