But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to settle for a 9 to 5 workaholic lifestyle, you don’t have to keep adding items in your bucket list without crossing them out. Your life is in YOUR hands and you can turn it around any time you want, by the power of your will. Here’s a small list of 5 must-do things before you die.

1. Travel to 4 places that none of your friends have been to, and travel like a local instead of a tourist

We all would like to travel, but we keep making excuses. Either we don’t have time or we convince ourselves that we can’t afford it. The truth is travel doesn’t have to mean expensive cruises, luxury hotels and the standard sightseeing spots. You don’t need to vacation where your friends just did. You don’t need to book flight tickets halfway across the world. No matter where you live, there’s always places to see, things to do. Explore some offbeat places near your place and where no one you know has been to. And once you’re there, don’t book the most pricey hotel rooms and throw tantrums like a spoilt child. Instead, try to see it from the perspective of the natives and mingle among them. Not only will it save you from over-spending, it will offer a refreshing and vastly different point-of-view and teach you some invaluable life lessons.

2. Read 5 books you can comprehend but aren’t highly interested in within a year

Don’t stick to your favourite genres, but branch out. Say you’ve always had a vague passing interest in astronomy and the nature of the universe. Instead of turning to science fiction, try Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time. Similarly, let’s suppose you love going to art galleries but don’t really understand the hype about avante garde art. In that case, pick up an encyclopedia on art history. Not only will you find that these topics can be quite interesting but this will also push you out of your comfort zone and expand your interests, thereby enriching your life.

3. Live abroad alone for at least 3 months

Sign up for an exchange programme or summer school or if you’re really up for it, rent a place like it’s something out of Eat Pray Love. It’ll work wonders. You’ll know more about yourself, have different world views, be exposed to varied cultures and understand how people are simultaneously so similar and different from each other.

4. Make friends with someone you’ve never expected to be friends with

If you’ve always admired or liked someone from afar, now’s the time to show it. Instead of being afraid, do little things to befriend them. Offer to buy them coffee, say a few nice words and if it’s online, go ahead and send a friend request. You can even take it a step further and a send a message about what it is it about them that impressed you the most and how it helped you. Here’s a secret: people love sincere compliments!

5. Remove someone toxic from your life completely, with great determination

We all have negative people in our lives, who suck our energies like vampires. But really, it’s OUR fault for putting up with them. If you’re facing troubled times, it’s time to say goodbye to those toxic people and assert yourself. Once you cut them off from your life you’ll discover an exhilarating kind of freedom – like you’re the boss of your own life and can do anything you choose. And that’s exactly the life you deserve to live. So what are you waiting for? Change your life NOW!