1. Split your focus.

Yes, video marketing should be used to sell your product or service, but Millennials are interested in so much more than that. Millennials want to know about the people and values behind the brand, so instead of focusing solely on selling product in your videos, split your focus between people and products. Put the spotlight on a different employee for each video, or talk about what your company’s values are and what makes you unique instead of broadcasting the benefits of your product. Millennials love hearing reviews of companies before making a purchase decision, so video reviews from real customers would work well to get this generation’s attention. How do you get these video reviews? Encourage Millennial reviews to check out your business on UpDog, a video review app that guarantees authentic reviews since users are required to check into your location via the app.

2. Make an entrance.

The Millennial generation is known for having a short attention span, so the first ten seconds of your video needs to make a huge impact before they get bored and click away. Make sure your video is visually eye-catching and the main point is established within this time frame so Millennials actually want to stay tuned if the information is relevant. If your video is an interview with someone, at least have the interviewee stand up and walk against a visually appealing background to liven up the intro.

3. Vlog it.

No, that’s not a typo. Try replacing your written blog with video entries to attract Millennials. Create quick “how-to” videos on using your product, or film an opinionated review of other products your Millennial audience may take interest in. Remember, this is the generation that invented the YouTube celebrity phenomenon, so being a reliable, consistent source of quality videos will draw a big Millennial crowd.

4. Let them be the star.

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to use video marketing is to not make a video at all! Put the power of video in the hands of the Millennial consumers by encouraging user-generated videos. Millennials love when brands do promotional campaigns that ask for interaction on their end, so they will jump at the chance to star in a video about your brand. Take GoPro, who asks fans to submit videos using their product for a chance to win cash rewards. Not only does GoPro acquire tons of live action videos of people using their products, but the users who make these videos tend to share their creations on social media, giving the brand additional, unpaid press.

5. Don’t make it difficult.

Millennials are connected through smart phones, tablets, and desktop computers, and they expect your video to play without issue on all of these devices. Make it easy for Millennials to share the video by adding links to do so at the end of the video. Consider where Millennials will be watching the video. If a Millennial is sitting at work, it may be hard to turn the volume on for the video, so adding captions or including a transcript would be helpful. Ready to start marketing your business towards Millennials? Make sure they can find you in-store by contacting Mr. Checkout Distributors, a group of distributors servicing over 35,000 stores across the nation.