Here are 5 simple ways that you can circumvent this problem and improve your self-growth instantly.

1. Your self-growth will improve when everyone around you is ahead of you.

If you are the smartest person in your group, then it’s time to find another group of people to hang out with. Remember, if you want to grow, you must not only be feeding people with the little knowledge you have, you also want to learn from people around you so that you don’t wear out. Even if you seem to be the least smart among your new group of friends, then that is an awesome challenge. If you give intimidation no room, you will be surprised at how rapidly your growth will take off.

2. Your self-growth will improve when you are constantly being challenged.

A lot of us are comfortable with the situation or position that life is giving us, but I can tell you that if you are comfortable with the money in your bank account, then you will not feel the motivation to push for more. If a B+ grade is “fine” for you, then you are not willing to grow. Don’t get me wrong; be happy and grateful with what you have or have accomplished, but if you are always satisfied and not willing to take the extra steps required to do better, then you will always remain at that level.

3. Your self-growth will improve when you are out of your comfort zone.

Like we all say, “no pain, no gain.” Too many people are not willing to go an extra mile to achieve what they want in life. Too many people are not ready to feel the pain so that they can gain. We tend to stop at 70%, but the pain doesn’t really start until 90%. We are humans and we are all born naturally lazy. When you stay up an extra hour or two, or even if you give up 3-4 hours of sleep to finish your assignment, then you are boosting your self-growth. If you are not willing to stay up while everyone else is sleeping, then you will be just like everyone else. You need to break out of that comfort zone so that you can stand out. You need to start doing things that need to get done, even if you don’t feel like doing them. Then, not only will you be different from your peers, but they will have a lot to learn from you.

4. Your self-growth will improve when your focus is forward.

There is something I like to call “almost finished syndrome.” Most people start something but don’t have the self-discipline or courage to finish it. If you want to finish what you have started, your focus must always be forward. Even if people around you are withdrawing or giving up, you must know that you have a vision, and you must develop a passion that will keep you going until you reach the finish line. In the journey of success, there is a finish line, but we don’t see it until we get there because of all the obstacles and setbacks we have to overcome. We all need mentors or people around us that believe in our dreams and will always encourage us when we feel like giving up. If you don’t currently have a mentor, take some time to look to those you admire and find one.

5. Your self-growth will improve when failure becomes your best friend.

A wise man once said: “Failure is the price that we pay in order to achieve success.” I strongly agree. We need to change our perspective on what failure is. We need start seeing it as a price that we can all afford to pay in order to achieve success. And like my Pastor (Yemi Ogunsanya) always says, “Perspective determines attitude, attitude determines altitude.” Your attitude towards failure will determine how far you will go on the journey to success. Former baseball star Sam Ewing once said that “nothing is as embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said could not be done.” Just because something has never been done before doesn’t mean you cannot do it. Even if you fail trying, then you have discovered one way that it wouldn’t work. Try another way and be just like Thomas Edison, who tried about a thousand times before successfully making the first-ever electric light bulb. A knock down is not a knock out. So, be the best you can be in life. Nothing on this planet is too hard to achieve, you just need to divide it into smaller parts and take things one step at a time. Featured photo credit: Savannah Freemantle via