1. Your partner’s mind is theirs to be read, not yours.

The first problem that couples usually meet is the fact that they tend not to have many deep conversations about the future, about the things they love or hate, or even about their day-to-day activities. At some point, one of the two will consider this as not being enough, and will start interpreting every gesture of the other person’s, and moments like this should be avoided, because they tend to bring fights that have no sense.

2. A perfect relationship does not exist.

Stop looking for the perfect relationship, for the perfect man, for the perfect woman, the perfect body or the perfect eyes. If they love you, if they are with you in good and bad times, if they bring you ice cream at 2 a.m., then you have found the perfect someone. It is always the picture in our head about how it is supposed to be that ruins every relationship that we have, and making us not be able to see what beauty surrounds us, leading to a failure of a relationship. Everyone is perfect in their own way, you just have to go and find the small perfections in the imperfection.

3. Leave the past at the door.

What kind of a relationship will you have if you always remind your boyfriend or girlfriend about every single mistake that your ex has done to hurt you? Of course they hurt you; that is the reason why they are no longer your partner! Even if it was cheating, not paying enough attention to you, or simply breaking up to you because they did not consider that you were good enough for them, they still broke your heart.

4. Where there is no problem do not make one up!

If your relationship has not had any problems until now, no not try to start finding ways of getting into a fight: the toilet seat is still up, the toothpaste cap is not on, the juice is too warm or your beer opener is not where it is supposed to be. Start forgiving the small “problems” that you think your partner is making, you never know what problems you may cause him or her! The small fights are not that important, but when they start to be often, even daily, they may cause a rupture that will not be repaired by anyone.

5. Start focusing on the positive things that are happening to you

We all are different, we all want different things, but if we do them together in a way that we love, then we all get to the perfect relationship easily. If you have a problem in the present, look at the future with optimism, if you had problems in the past, look at the present with thanks. Thank for every beautiful moment that you share together and be thankful for every beautiful moment that comes to you, for you will always remember it with grace, whatever the future may bring. This being said, what is the advice you would give to yourself in a relationship, in order for it to get better? Do you have the perfect partner? Featured photo credit: love is in the air, love is everywhere/ Luz Adriana Villa via flickr.com