1. Find your reason

When it comes to finding a reason to keep passion alive in your relationship, it all starts with how you feel about your partner. What are the positive traits that you most admire and respect about your partner? What attracted you to them in the first place? When a relationship develops and grows, it’s important for you to always keep in mind what brought you two together. When you are able to find out the reason behind keeping the passion alive in your relationship, you will always keep this reason in mind. When it comes to building a strong foundation in your relationship, it starts from the bottom up. Finding out your reason is where it all begins!

2. Goals!

Have short and long term goals that the both of you can work on together. A lot of couples get into a rut of just doing their own thing. When you are able to work together towards a common goal, not only will you be spending quality of time together but also establishing a solid foundation for your relationship. Take the time with your partner and create goals that you want to accomplish together. This may be publishing a book or running a marathon. The importance of having and accomplishing goals together is that it allows you to spend time developing your relationship. Have goals that you are both passionate about. My husband and I are very passionate about our marriage. So one of our goals is to write and publish a book about what it takes to have a happy and long-lasting marriage. Find out what you two are passionate about and make goals to accomplish your passions!

3. Know when to “turn off” work mode

After coming home from a long day of work, a lot of us just plop in front of the television. This will definitely not do you or your relationship any good.  One way to keep passion alive in your relationship is to be able to turn “off” work mode and be with your partner. When it comes having a stressful job, it’s easy to just get into this cycle of constantly thinking about work and getting burnt out. If you want to keep passion alive in your relationship, you need to make sure that when you are at home with your partner, you are with your partner. When you are at work, be at work. When you are at home, be at home. We tend to miss out on spending quality of time with our partner because our mind is still at work. Make sure that your mind is with your partner when you are at home.

4. Go the extra mile

Men and women are different. When you have a clear understanding of these differences, make sure you go the extra mile in expressing your love. Find out the love language of your partner and express their love language every single day. If you want to keep the passion alive in your relationship, it takes work. It takes planning and going the extra mile when it comes to loving your partner. Find out how your partner feels most loved and make sure you express your love every day. When we get into the “rat race” it seems like going the extra mile takes effort and time. This effort and time will be what makes all the difference. When you take the time and effort of going the extra mile of loving your partner, you are establishing that strong foundation. You are expressing to your partner that you care and that you want to be connected with them. Going the extra mile is a great way to keep passion alive in your relationship.

5. Commitment

Commit to keeping the passion alive in your relationship. Make the mental decision that no matter what happens in life, you are 100% committed to keeping the passion alive. Having this commitment will be important during the rough times especially when life throws you curve balls. No matter what type of stress or frustration you experience, be committed to always expressing your love and affection to your partner.