When an infant is between 4 and 7 months old, their first baby teeth will begin to push through the gums. This is a painful process for your infant and can cause them to fuss, cry, and even run a low grade fever. If your baby has begun to cut their first tooth and is in a lot of pain, there are several remedies you can do right from your home to help relieve the pain and get through this early milestone of growing up.

1. Let them chew

You may have noticed your baby’s urge to chew on, well, anything. When they begin to teethe, they will want to chew and chew and chew. You will probably find them chewing on their toys, blankets, clothes, and maybe even you. It’s important not to stop this behavior. It is perfectly natural for your baby to want to chew as it relieves the pain in their gums. If you don’t want them chewing on you, try giving them a cold, wet washcloth to chew on or even purchase a few teething rings for them. Put them in the refrigerator so they get good and cold before giving it to them. The cold will help numb while the chewing relieves the pain they are experiencing at the same time.

2. Gum massage

If your child seems particularly fussy during the teething phase and nothing seems to work, you could always try a little massage. Who doesn’t enjoy a good massage now and then to ease pain and relax you? Babies are no different. For about 2 minutes, gently massage the gums of your baby with your finger paying attention to the area where the new tooth is starting to come in. This gentle massage will relax your baby and relieve some of the pain they are experiencing. Just be careful they don’t bite your finger!

3. Cookies cure all

Would you believe that a cookie can actually help relieve your child’s teething pain symptoms? It’s true. But not just any cookie. Arrowroot cookies are the ones that work best. Studies have shown that arrowroot is effective at treating upset stomachs and is great for a teething baby. Depending on the age of your child, you may have to break the cookie up into many little pieces for them to eat.

4. Clean their gums

While they are cutting their new teeth, it is possible for the babies gums to build up bacteria and even become infected. Be sure you take a few minutes each day to gently rub their gums with a wet, clean towel to clean the area. Remember, a clean mouth is a healthy mouth and while you are cleaning their gums, the towel moving across their gums will ease their pain. After they cut their first tooth, you won’t be able to just use a towel to clean their mouth. Pick up a toothbrush designed for babies that has very soft bristles. Use this toothbrush to clean the new tooth to ensure it stays healthy while they are cutting the rest of their teeth.

5. Look in your medicine cabinet

When all else fails, it’s time to take a look in your medicine cabinet. There are many over-the-counter pain relievers available that can help sooth your baby’s pain. Common children’s Tylenol and Advil are two of the best choices and are readily available at almost any drugstore. Before you give your baby these medications, be sure you read the labels carefully and consult with your physician regarding the proper dosage. While teething can be a difficult time for both parent and child, following these steps can help soothe the pain your baby is experiencing so you both can enjoy much happier days while they are cutting new teeth. There is nothing quite like seeing that first tooth on your baby, too. So even if they are a little fussy, in the end it will all be worth it.