In the following lines, I will lend you that lens. The 6 points you will see may look nothing like what you would expect, but their charm rests on their ability to look like one thing while being another. And there, I just gave you one characteristic to wet your beak: Highly successful people see the good in every situation. But what else do they share? In no particular order, here are 6 characteristics of a successful person:

1. They Never Just Try.

Successful people never just try because just trying isn’t doing. Instead, they do what they set to achieve. People who only try things just for the sake of trying won’t be able to maximize the experience. But successful people do things with a clear goal in mind. How do they do this?

By being crystal clear about their goals By sacrificing anything that would steal resources (e.g., time) away from those goals. By celebrating every small win along the way

2. They Leverage Everything.

Successful people know how to leverage everything. To put it simply, to leverage is to use a small input to reap a maximum reward. They naturally possess a certain level of resourcefulness and wit that others do not. Highly successful people have the unique ability to make use of every bit of their human experience. They sell their winning strategies in books, market their experience on TV shows, use their vulnerabilities to connect with strangers, and leverage their friendships to access closed circles. Look at your life and assets carefully. You’ll realize that there are many things that you could leverage.

3. They Give More Than They Take.

One of the principal characteristics of a successful person is that they give more than they take. A general rule in life is to always give more than what is expected from you, and this applies perfectly to the path to success. Find a universal pain point, focus on addressing it, and in due time the returns will come. Nature rewards givers.

4. They Conquer Hearts.

The most valuable resources and opportunities are hidden behind relationship walls. Whether they are introverts or extroverts, highly successful people find ways to connect with the people they meet. They understand that if our aspirations or backgrounds do not unite us, then our flaws will. So, they use whatever common ground is available at the moment to reach for your heart. For example, they will:

Greet you in your native language. Call you by name as much as they can. Mirror your body language if they have no clue what sports you are talking about.

And if none of those work, they will show themselves as vulnerable by telling others stories about themselves. This works like a charm, and it’s very effective for strengthening relationships.

5. They Give Up (For the Right Things).

Knowing when and what to give up is one of the lesser-known characteristics of a successful person, but it is an important one nevertheless. Only a fool will repeat the same action but expect different results. Successful people get that. As a result, they do not lay their time on the altar of regrets or stay in love with ideas and methods that do not work. They fall in love with the end goal, not the path, and stick to what works. They make face the difficult decisions of what to give up and what to pursue. They quickly discard what doesn’t work, and then they try something else. It is more difficult to progress through life if you don’t know when or what you should give up.

6. They Are A-Students in Life.

Although many highly successful people are school dropouts, one thing they never drop out of is the school of life. This is one of the most important characteristics of a successful person. They are fantastic students of their mistakes. That is why most of them keep a personal journal where they write their mistakes and reflect on them. They are great students of others’ successes, which is why they read more books than the average man. They know that they’re not perfect and that they have a lot to learn from other successful people. They are students of what makes people tick. Case in point, there is something you bought this week that you didn’t really need. But the company was still able to make you but it. They are brilliant students of people’s problems. Proof? Their products or solutions sell, which leads to greater contribution to society and most of the time, more profit. If you commit to being an astute student of life, you would have made a great leap on your journey to success. I believe that you will, so I wish you the very best in this endeavor.


Many factors are involved in the success or failure of a person. Remembering these 6 characteristics of a successful person is a good start if you want to achieve great things in life. On the topic of success, many things are uncertain. However, one thing’s for sure: It’s never going to be easy, but it’s certainly going to be worth it.

More Tips on How to Be Successful

How To Be Successful In Life: 13 Life-Changing Tips How To Be A Successful Person (And What Makes One Unsuccessful) 16 Simple Rules to Live by for a Successful And Fulfilling Life 30 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Going To Be Highly Successful

Featured photo credit: Austin Distel via