1. “I don’t have time.”

No one has as much time as they’d like. It’s just a fact of life. However, efficiency and planning can get you a lot more time than you might think. Just keep a tight schedule and redirect some of your free time to starting your business. There’s never going to be a perfectly convenient time to do it, so just put in the extra effort and you’ll see great results. It will be a balancing act, but so is everything in life—this is just one more thing.

2. “I don’t have a business background.”

That’s okay! Tons of people who don’t come from business backgrounds successfully start their own businesses. Richard Branson never even went to college, and look how well he’s doing! If you truly have no idea how to run the more business-y side of your business, consider taking a course or partnering with someone who knows the technical details of starting a company. It’s totally okay if you want to start a business but are more on the creative side of things. That’s what the Internet, classes, and business partners are for.

3. “I don’t know if my idea is good enough.”

Even the most innovative inventions seemed weird to people in the beginning. Horace Rackham famously said in 1903, “The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty.” And, as we all know, he was very, very wrong in his prediction. As long as you’re passionate about your idea, you can make it work. Besides, not every idea has to be the next big invention. Do what you’re interested in and know that your passion will translate into a good business.

4. “I’m not ready yet.”

What are you waiting for? The time is now! Carpe diem! You’ll never feel 100% ready to start your own business, so just take a chance and get started. You’ll regret it if you wait too long to start—who knows what could happen if you put it off for too long.

5. “I don’t know that I’ll be successful.”

You’re right—you don’t know. No one ever does. But imagine if some of the big companies we all use today had decided to never open up. Businesses just need a lot of time and attention, and you have to put in the work to make yours successful. Fear of the future is not a good excuse for not doing something. It just holds you back from accomplishing what you want to accomplish.

6. “I’m scared.”

Yes, starting a new business can be scary. But it’s also exciting! Making the decision to start your own business will change your life (for the better, as long as you buckle down and put in the work). It’s okay if you mess up a few times. You’re learning as you go along, after all. However, don’t let your fear paralyze you. Instead, focus not on the fear but the excitement at the prospect of successfully starting up a new business. Down the line, you’ll be happy that you made the decision to start your own business. It seems like success is a long way off, but it’s not. And getting there is the fun part. Featured photo credit: Washington State Dept. of Transportation via flickr.com