The lack of an identity

When nobody knows who you are it is difficult for anyone to vouch for you or offer the needed support to gain enough credit. This is why people who become successful meet several turn downs before they meet success. For the ordinary person it is easy to walk away and remain in obscurity, but people with a successful mindset don’t let their being unidentified stand in the way of their meeting success. They create an identity for themselves.

Poor timing

Having a great idea or being a great talent is not enough. You have to take advantage of the times. Many who have failed met it because they had the right motive or desires and set forth for it at the wrong time. To become successful you don’t have to procrastinate though, you don’t have to say you are at the wrong side of age and that you need more time. Successful people set forth and take advantage of the time. They know that they even if they fail because of poor timing they would have benefited themselves in form of knowledge and be prepared enough to try again.

Being around the wrong people

There are a lot of people around who are willing to crush your spirits and dampen your self-belief. It is difficult to attain success when you surround yourself with ordinary who are okay with being average and sticking to the conventional. Getting out of the box and meeting success requires that you find your tribe of like-minded persons who will propel you and push you to maximizing your potential.

A lack of direction

You could have the right intentions and desires but you are not channeling your skills and abilities in the right direction. All this could be dependent on not having the right knowledge or the right people around you to put you through. Having a clear cut strategy and the right approach to reaching your goals is always very important in becoming successful. Successful people gain direction through mentors, books or observing the trends.

A terrible lifestyle

Successful people understand that their body is the vehicle to success. You cannot do much without having the right vessel to take you to your destination. Many do take this for granted and do not pay attention to their health and lifestyle. You can’t do much under intense stress and pressure from what is around you. Successful people do well to minimize their stress and focus on getting the best out of their body. They eat right, exercise and have a decent rest. Ordinary people live with ordinary habits and this doesn’t matter too much, but successful people overcome the hurdle of destroying the vessel that will take them success by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Trusting in what others think

You could be misguided with the many views on different platforms. It is hard not to listen to people and their opinions; some about your personality, others about your actions and decisions. But if you want to be successful, you have to overcome the hurdle of listening to what everyone has to say about you. Successful people believe in themselves rather than in the opinions of others. Ordinary people on the other hand become discouraged or disappointed as people dampen their ambitions with mere words. Featured photo credit: via