Do not worry, because finding a new job is not your only option to bring money home. There are several quick, easy and different ways to bring home some extra cash while you are still looking for that dream job. We bet that you are getting curious, and if you are, keep reading to find out more about the lifehacks that’ll help you make money even if you are currently unemployed.

1. Start Your Own Blog

The internet is filled with different kinds of blogs that are devoted to all kinds of topics. Many of them do not make any money, some make a decent amount, and there are some that draw in lucrative and regular income. For example, fashion blogs are now ultra-popular and research has shown that a fashion blogger can make even $4000 a month, if they have 400.000 page views per month. This is the best case scenario, but if you manage to make $400 each month from blogging, that can certainly be useful, especially when you are unemployed. So, if you are passionate or have a lot of knowledge about a subject which others will be interested in learning, you may able to make some extra money by setting up a blog and generating revenues from sponsored posts or affiliate marketing.

2. Walk Dogs

Have you considered turning your love for dogs into hard cash? Many dog owners nowadays simply do not have the time to take their furry pets on walks during the day, so there’s money to be made from walking them. Walking a neighbor’s dog is not only a great way to make money, but you can also get your share of exercise. There are also several more tasks you can take on, like mowing lawns or weed gardens. If you are handy, you can even take care of a few repairs for people who are in need of them. Remember that people need help with everyday things all the time, but in many cases, they do not want to hire a professional. So, make yourself available, help them address these small issues and earn cash while you are doing something good.

3. Teach Online

If you have a skill, a trade or knowledge of a certain foreign language, you can easily make money by teaching others. There are many websites that are looking for people who can teach these skills online. Even though this does not allow you as much control and freedom like other lifehacks we mentioned above, it can be fun if you are a person who likes to teach others. There is one bonus that comes with this. You will get an experience you can put in your resume and help you score a job later on. But be careful; many people have managed to make a successful career out of teaching people online, however, not everyone can do this successfully.

4. Participate In Research Studies

Perhaps the idea of participating in research studies and clinical trials may sound a little terrifying, because there is always that fear that something can go wrong. But many of them are safe and you can earn a decent amount of money. Search online for focus groups, research panels, clinical trials, surveys and other paid opportunities that are looking for participants. The amount of money you are going to get can vary, but this is still one effective way to earn some extra cash.

5. Become a Streamer

Many people spend money in order to play video games, but there are those who do it the other way around; they make money by playing video games. If you are a gamer yourself, and in need of cash, then this is an excellent opportunity to turn your hobby into a paying gig. Thanks to the streaming websites like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, smart and lucky people are now swimming in cash that they’ve earned by broadcasting their gameplay on the internet. However, turning streaming into a lucrative business is not an easy task, because you need to build a sizeable audience that will be willing to watch and pay. You will be needing the proper gear and, if you do not own an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4, a game capture box and a PC will do the trick. Once you set up everything, remember to be entertaining and charismatic if you want people to come back and watch you.

6. Sell Your Stuff

It is in our human nature to hang onto things that we are no longer using, whether that is a pile of clothes in our closet, a bike we have never ridden or a spare TV set. If you look at it like leaving large piles of money just sitting around your home, it kind of seems ridiculous, doesn’t it? Essentially, this is what you are doing, because all of those unused items are just taking up your space, instead of actually helping you score some of that much-needed money. This is why you need to list them for sale online or host a garage sale that will not only help you eliminate your clutter, but it will also fill up your wallet. When you are unemployed and in a search for a job, it is understandable that you want to put in all of your energy, time and attention into finding that perfect position. But, this will not help you pay your bills, because you need to find ways to bring in some cash when you need it the most. Finding a part-time job is always an option, if you can swing it, but if you want to try something else, these different ideas and hacks will surely provide you with inspiration to earn some extra cash while you are on your job search. Featured photo credit: via

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