1. They are assertive

Alpha women are open and direct and they can be gentle or firm, depending on the situation. Guess what? If a women is in a bad mood or being more direct than usual, she is often dismissed as a “bitch” and there is usually a reason given, for example, she must be having her period. It is interesting to note that when men are in a bad mood, it is often shrugged off but no insults or references to their bodies normal functions are thrown around! Alpha women have respect for their boundaries and themselves. They are not worried about putting their needs aside and are not afraid to protest when they are not respected. They are just being strong women. Assertiveness is a positive quality.

2. They are low maintenance

Alpha women thrive on low maintenance relationships with mature and emotionally intelligent partners. It is dead easy because they are so mature on their own that they never make too many demands on their nearest and dearest. The great thing is that they are dedicating all their energy and buzz to moving a relationship to the next level without getting trapped in the high maintenance mode where their needs would take precedence over everything else. This is another urban legend about over-demanding alpha women you often read about.

3. They believe in equality

The alpha women know that there is no need to hide their talents, intelligence, or desires from men. If they did that they would be moving back into the nineteenth century. That is why equality at work and in relationships is so important for them. Maybe at work, they will have problems because of jealousy, fear, and resentment. They may find it hard to find the right partner but that does not deter them. One solution is to go for Mr. Beta as recommended by Sonya Rhodes in her book, The Alpha Woman Meets Her Match.

4. They still want to be feminine

You know the stereotype that alpha women somehow hide their femininity and beauty. It is another misconception which they have to fight against everyday. Why should independence and feeling liberated compromise their desire to be fully female? At the same time, an alpha woman never wants to be judged only for her looks, beauty and charm. She knows that whole package is what counts and she is determined to make sure that gets the maximum promotion at the right moment.

5. They know how to use body language

Many alpha women convey their leading position in power and respect by using the right body language. They know how to be seen as assertive and not aggressive by using the steepling technique. This is where they bring the hands with fingertips pressed, close to their chest or face. They not only feel more confident in themselves, but they know they can convey the right message. Being aware of how high or low-power poses can help make a favourable impression should be studied more. There is nothing wrong with the tactic of “faking it till you make it”. All too often, body language is underestimated but the alpha woman knows a thing or two about this as Amy Cuddy explains in the excellent TED talk, Your body language shapes who you are.

 6. They value their career

It is through her career that an alpha woman can make a great impact. She knows that this is an essential ingredient in being self-fulfilled. It also gives her the chance to get on the fast track to power. A job or career gives her the courage to be confident and ambitious. She can reach for the glass ceiling and in many cases break it. She can do that by being unconventional if necessary to get the return on the investment she has made with her time and talents. She can face failure and learn from it and then resolve to be more determined and tougher the next time around. At the end of the day, the alpha woman is claiming ownership of her destiny, that’s all. Now, what is wrong with that? Featured photo credit: Samantha Ruiz 09/Robert Bejil via flickr.com