Anything in our life is a lesson to make us a better person. No matter pain, joy or success — it teaches us something. The same situation can repeat over and over again till we understand what has been said to us. What we have to learn. What is pain? What does cause the pain? Emotional pain comes when we lose something. No matter what — work, friend, house. It is painful. Because it is not as we wanted, it doesn’t match with our desires and will. Universe has a higher plan, which sometimes is different from ours. Pain is our anger and despair. We can’t accept the change and we want to live in past. It is the attachment and illusion what causes the pain. Physical pain causes discomfort, accident or if we don’t notice the emotional pain, they become as a physical pain which is hard not to notice. Everything starts in our emotions — pain or happiness.

1. Pain makes you to stop and value your life.

Imagine, you are in rush, you are not being careful even you know what consequences could be. You fall and you hurt yourself. You keep rushing — 3 times, 10 times or hundred of times till you get it. You have to be careful. The same works in invisible world. When people live in rush with never-ending duties, the Universe has to stop, to make you to over think values and your being alive.

2. Pain makes you stronger and grow within.

It takes a lot of strength to look at the pain from other perspective, but once you are able to do so, you get a lot of understanding, meaning and opportunity to grow within, not to destroy yourself. Our life is how we react on it. Learn to say thank you for what you have or had, not to cry for what you don’t have. Have faith that there is coming something better for you. Be ready for that.

3. Pain is an opportunity to become a better person.

Once you realize that everything on Earth is temporary. You own nothing; any situation, person or thing is given for a time so you can learn from it. You become free. You take everything as a gift, one time opportunity and step by step learn to live here and now and take the best out of it.

4. You learn to understand others.

The higher purpose of our life is to understand ourselves, others and whole Universe. It gives you wisdom, peace and deep inner joy of living. When you truly can express compassion to other, when you can imagine how they feel, you give and share a lot of Light in your life. Just to be next to the person in needs and love.

5. Pain teaches you to forgive and ask forgiveness.

If you really want to be free and live without resentment, you have to forgive and ask forgiveness. It teaches you to be humble. Forgiveness is a strong message to the Universe; it is one step closer to Love.

6. Pain prepares you for something better in the future and teaches you to appreciate anything in past.

You have to lose to get something in return. If you don’t know how to lose, you can’t learn to win, to succeed. To receive you have to learn to appreciate what you have and share it. Take pain as a blessing, even it is hurtful. Take your time to cry out, to live the pain, don’t turn the back on it and pretend that it isn’t there. When you renew peace and faith in your heart, take a look at the situation, the pain, and grow. Become stronger and keep living one more step closer to love and your true being. Featured photo credit: Because of You/José Luis Mieza via