Here are six ways that will help you stand out at work:

1. Focus on your strengths

According to Forbes magazine contributor William Arruda, “Focusing on your weaknesses is a losing strategy.” In order to stand out at work, don’t constantly work on fixing your weaknesses, instead promote your strengths. Maybe you’re not the best at the paperwork, but you’re great at sales. Focus then on making sales and enlist some help for the things you’re not great at.

2. Follow up with projects

Be the follow-up person. Whenever a project is started, someone needs to be the one to brief those in charge about how it’s going. Be that person. Be the one who communicates progress and gathers the information together for presentation. This puts you in front of more people and helps you stand out.

3. Do more

Just because you do your job doesn’t mean you’re standing out. It’s important to go above and beyond what your job description says. You don’t want to be noticed as the person who rushes out the door as soon as the clock hits 5pm no matter where you are in a certain project. Do more. Go above and beyond the call. If you’re working on a project, keep working until it’s done. Show your boss that you’re the one who is willing to come in early, stay late or work from home until an assignment is complete.

4. Be helpful

Wherever you can, jump in and lend a hand. Don’t spread yourself too thin, but if someone needs an extra hand with research or even just an extra cup of coffee, jump in. Volunteer to do things that can help the company — even if they aren’t part of your normal duties. Take a lap during the charity relay race, offer to set up a promotional table at the fair, be the first to respond to a call for help. It’s important to show your employers that you’re not just interested in what’s in it for you, but that you’re a team player interested in moving the company forward so that you can all benefit.

5. Take the lead

The best way to stand out is to take the lead on a project. Be the first to say, “Sure, I’ll take that on.” And don’t be afraid to delegate to make sure the job gets done well. It’s important to not only stand out to your boss, but also to your peers at work. You want them to go to you when they need help. But don’t be ‘braggy’ about it. Make sure you’re not known as doing things just to be noticed. Be genuine in your desire to help and to lead.

6. Be nice

OK, maybe that sounds a little silly. But really, be nice to people and don’t bad mouth your company. Ever. Even if you really want to. Promote your company and talk it up, showing people you’re a leader. Someone who talks trash about their company is really biting the hand that feeds them. If things aren’t the way you’d like them to be then work to make them better. Be kind and considerate in all of your dealings at work, so even when you do mess up — and you will occasionally — people won’t be happy to see you fail. If you act like a jerk, they will be pleased to see you struggle. If you are enthusiastic about the company and encouraging to the people with whom you work, they will want to encourage you as well and help you succeed.