While it’s impossible to have a perfect home renovation, you can mitigate stress and increase your chances of success by keeping the following tips in mind:

1. Choose the Right Contractor

Choosing the right contractor is more important than any design decisions you’ll make. The right contractor will make your project a breeze, while the wrong one will leave you frustrated. Have you ever heard of contractor drift? It’s a term people in the construction industry use to describe a contractor who slowly disappears as the project progresses. They show up on time every day for the first few weeks and then, as time moves on, gradually become absent. This pushes the project completion date back and ruins any renovation timeline that’s in place. By choosing the right contractor, you can avoid contractor drift alltogether.

2. Expect Unforeseen Expenses

On paper, everything always looks great. The project costs X amount of dollars, it’ll be completed by a particular date, and you’ll need these supplies. Unfortunately, remodeling doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Something always goes wrong and you have to be prepared for unforeseen expenses that accompany these issues. While every contractor has their own approach, most would agree that it’s a smart idea to build a cushion of at least 10 percent into your budget. So, if your renovation budget is $20,000, aim to come in at $18,000. This gives you $2,000 to play with in case something happens.

3. Protect Against Dust

If you’re living in the home during the renovation, one of the worst parts of the process is the dirt and dust. In order to live in comfort and cleanliness, you’ll have to actively work on keeping this dust contained to the rooms being renovated.

4. Handle the Small Things On Your Own

Everyone has their own skills. If there are certain tasks that you can handle on your own, there’s no need to pay the professionals to do it. Not only will this reduce your costs, but it’ll also speed up the process and ensure things stay on track.

5. Send the Kids and Pets Away

A construction site can be dangerous. While adults know what to avoid, the same can’t be said of pets and young children. Depending on the length of the renovation, you may want to send them to a neighbor’s house during certain parts of the project. This will keep them away from potential hazards.

6. Stick With Your Gut

One thing you don’t want to do during a home renovation project is change your mind a bunch. For most people, it’s difficult to know how something will look until it’s totally finished. Don’t be surprised if you walk into one of the renovated rooms and wonder what’s going on. Trust your gut and wait for the finished product. In most cases, your design will pan out just as you anticipated.

Ready, Set, Renovate

By following these tips and strategically approaching every step of the process, you can enjoy a successful home renovation that’s stress-free and efficient. It’s time to renovate! Featured photo credit: Charles & Hudson via flic.kr