1. Make lists.

Making lists is one of the best things that you can do to help prepare yourself and your family for your impending move. It is a good idea to take time to write down how many boxes you have, as well as what is in those boxes. That way, you can prevent not noticing something missing after the move. It is also a good idea to have a check list of everything you need to get done before moving day. That can really help prevent you from forgetting anything in the stress of the move.

2. Hire professional moving help.

When it comes to hiring professional movers, you want to make sure that you are getting the best of the best!  It is completely worth the time to look online and compare at least four different companies. You will want to compare things like price, availability, and timeliness. By taking time to do your research, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible help for you. Quite honestly, hiring moving people is the best thing you can do because you will not have to worry as much about everything that is going on. Professional movers can really help take a lot of stress out of your move.

3. Be kind to your family.

Moving can definitely be a stressful time; however, it is essential to make sure that you don’t take out that stress on the people you love. Instead try to show them as much love as you can and even seek their help in needed areas. Be sure to remember that this may be a hard time for them as well and really understand their point of view. Make sure that you are always willing to provide a helping hand.

4. Leave some things behind.

Make sure that you don’t forget that it is okay to leave some things behind. You may even want to go through all of your stuff before you start packing and determine what can get thrown away or sent to charity. That way you can get rid of a lot of clutter and make the move easier by lightening the load. If you think about it early enough you may even want to have a yard sale.

5. Be ahead of your schedule.

Take the time to ensure everything is going according to schedule. Be proactive and stay ahead of things to come. If people need to come to the house for cancellations, be sure that everything is set up and no one is wasting any time.

6. Enjoy the experience.

Ensure that the moving experience is positive for everyone involved. This is a big event for one person, let alone an entire family. Keep everyone involved and ready for the next events. Be sure to talk about how exciting your new home will be and how everyone can make new friends. Moving definitely doesn’t just have to be a time of sorrow. Overall, moving doesn’t have to be something that is frustrating and stressful. It can actually be a really enjoyable experience. All you have to do is make sure that you are taking the time to plan everything in advance and take things one day at a time. Featured photo credit: day 064. by Holly Lay via flickr.com