Like anything, being a workaholic has its pros and cons. You get to be absorbed in what you do, which helps you turn attention away from stressful things you can’t do anything about. You have a greater sense of purpose than many people, and you are more likely to advance in your career. A lot of people will admire your ability to organize and manage projects, and you will have a strong sense of achievement. On the other hand, you might not have enough time to be around those you love and who love you back. You might be labeled as a bit cold and detached, but we can’t have it all. Now, we will discuss how to embrace your passion for work by listing a few helpful gadgets that will come in handy.

1. A selection of smartphone apps

Today, most people are avid smartphone users, and this is not something that is specifically aimed at workaholics. However, if you do wish to be better at your work, then a good selection of smartphone apps will definitely come in handy. You can find apps that will help you organize and track your daily schedule and remind you of the things you need to complete. For busy people, smartphones are lifesavers. You can also find various alarm apps that will ensure you are never late or that will monitor your sleep so that they can wake you up at the right moment. With a smartphone, you have access to the internet and your email at all times, so you can be instantly updated on the latest work-related happenings. Moreover, you are probably using some sort of knowledge management system at work for task assignments and updates. There are also smartphone versions of many of these systems. So, with the right apps by your side, you can check your work performance so you always know whether everything is going as planned. Some apps will help you plan out a new strategy, which is incredibly useful for managers, or will allow you to update others and communicate more effectively.

2. Wi-Fi extender

Now, we’ll get down to more concrete suggestions. Wi-Fi extenders are a must for workaholics. Your other gadgets that allow you to access your work necessities all need Wi-Fi, and if the signal is weak and the connection breaks all the time, you can’t really use them to their full potential. A Wi-Fi extender can fit in your bag, is really easy to set up, and will boost your Wi-Fi reception so that the connection is stable. You should read some online reviews to find the best Wi-Fi extenders based on specifications and user experiences, then pick one for yourself or for your friend who works all the time.

3. Portable hard drive

Work usually means a lot of sensitive data, and people are not always comfortable knowing that their documents can be accessed online. After all, hackers are not some creature from a fairy tale, they are real people, and information theft is a viable fear. If you have a lot of documents that you need to work with, you should have a portable hard drive in order to store them. Much like the other gadgets on this list, a portable hard drive can easily fit in your bag, and you can access its data base or increase it if needed. A portable hard drive is also a great place to keep your backup versions of documents in case your computer or main hard drive crashes. Just remember not to put all of your eggs in one basket; your portable drive has a limited lifespan, and you should get a new one every year or every two years to be sure it doesn’t malfunction, causing you to lose valuable data.

4. Portable battery charger

Your precious phone and your computer run on batteries, and if there is no electrical socket nearby to plug them in, they won’t last long. Today, we use these gadgets constantly, but their batteries can keep them powered for 4-5 hours at best. There are things you can do to prolong battery life, but you can only push your smartphone so far before it just gives up. Luckily, you can purchase a portable battery charger, which is a battery itself. It usually has USB plugs, and you can charge it at home so that you can use it when needed. It can store a lot of juice for your phone, so for long distance trips, it is a really useful item to have. Again, the item can easily fit in your bag or in your pocket, so it will always be nearby when you need it.

5. Pedometer

Workaholics are all about maintaining an organized lifestyle. So, they should not forsake their health and fitness. A pedometer is an awesome gadget for workaholics, since it will allow you to measure your daily activity and organize your day accordingly. It will help you get a healthy dose of daily physical activity and make sure you maintain your tempo. A pedometer can track how much exercise you get in a day. It can help you stay healthy, so be sure to check out some of the best available pedometers and find an option you can have on you at all times.

6. USB cup warmer

Anyone who is a workaholic knows just how valuable coffee is; workaholics are practically working at half capacity without their morning cup. Since they are absorbed in their work, their coffee tends to get cold, losing most of its flavour and diminishing that refreshing feeling. With a USB cup warmer, you can keep coffee near your computer and ensure it is always warm. The way that this gadget works is quite simple. All you need to do is plug it in your USB port, and the surface will be warmed up. You can place your coffee cup on it and enjoy, since the coffee won’t get cold even after hours of just sitting on the table. I am pretty sure there are lots of other gadgets that could fit on this list, but these are the ones I found most valuable. If you have any cool gadget suggestions, I would really like to hear them. A word of advice: don’t work too hard to the point of exhaustion. Many who do this end up regretting it. If you work all the time, you will eventually have the impression that your days simply pass you by and that you’ve missed out on a lot of important life experiences. Featured photo credit: via

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