As much as I love writing, I believe when it comes to comes to exercise tutorials, a video demonstration works best. So, refer to the video below to learn about 69 kettlebell exercises that are beginner friendly and can quickly get you in shape. A little advice: Remember to pay close attention to the forms. Doing the exercises wrong may lead to injuries. Also, don’t try to do them all in one day. Choose around 3–5 to add to your routine. Once you start to get comfortable with the change, feel free to add more. Every time I talk to someone about kettlebell exercises, more often than not, they ask the same question: What are the benefits of using kettlebells instead of dumbbells or doing standard weight lifting? My answers are:

1. Kettlebell Exercises are Calorie Burners

Photo credit: Source Based on a study done by ACE Fitness Matters, people burn an average of 20 calories per minute when they are using kettlebells the right way. Therefore, if you spend one hour at the gym performing the exercises in the video above, you will burn around 1,800 calories.

2. Kettlebells Take Away the Need to Go to the Gym

Believe it or not, many people are reluctant to go to the gym because they are embarrassed. They are afraid of working out in public due to the fear of being judged. If that sounds like you, then kettlebell exercises are perfect for you. Buying the few sets that you will need is a lot more cost efficient than having a gym membership for a year. They will give you the opportunity to workout privately at your most convenient time.

3. Kettlebell Exercises Relieve Back Pain

Photo credit: Source Many of you who are already in your 30s are no stranger to the infamous back pain. I know getting the right massage can soothe the ache, but that’s a temporary solution. The most effective way to get rid of pain from that region is by strengthening your latissimus dorsi. By focusing on a few kettlebell exercises that target your back, you will slowly get rid of the pain as the days go by.

4. Kettlebells Provide a Full Body Workout

Any fitness expert will confirm that giving yourself a full body workout through compound exercises is the best way to get in shape. Kettlebell exercises were designed specifically for that. Every movement give you the ability to workout huge muscle groups all at once. Furthermore, they will make your ligaments stronger, hence reduce your chances of injuries.

5. Kettlebell Exercises are Enjoyable

Photo credit: Source Over the years, there have been countless times when I chose not to go to the gym because my routine was extremely dull. If you are anything like me, the idea that you will do the same thing over and over again is very discouraging. Ever since I have started doing kettlebell exercises, I am happy to say that gym boredom hasn’t been an issue. There are literally hundreds of different routines that can be performed with kettlebells. I have been doing something new every week for a little over a year and there are still plenty of exercises left for me to try. A little advice: Drastically changing your workout routine will cause you to experience muscle soreness for about a week. So, make sure to learn about a few sore muscles remedies before switching over to kettlebells.

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