1. Don’t overdo affection

An important thing to remember on double dates is to keep your public displays of affection to a minimum. Yes, a date is normally the time you like to get a little cozy with your love interest, but for double dates, it’s important to be considerate. Getting to freaky with public displays of affection will make most people uncomfortable. Especially if the other couple is at a different stage in the relationship than you, too much affection, or more affection than the other couple is comfortable with, can quickly lead to an uneasy situation.

2. Keep everyone feeling welcome

When on a double date, it is important to let everyone feel welcome. If you focus on topics few people understand, or spend too much time speaking with the same person for example, you risk alienating the rest of the group. Try to ask questions about the friends you know less well to let everyone feel embraced.

3. Moderate your alcohol

When going out on a double date it’s best to moderate your booze intake. There’s nothing wrong with a drink or two at dinner, but getting sloshed will quickly lead to disaster. Know how much alcohol you can comfortably handle, and take it slow. No one likes taking care of one drunk friend, let alone two or three.

4. No fighting

Another crucial way to make sure everyone feels involved a double date is to avoid fighting. Bringing up disagreements or being abrasive can make everyone feel uncomfortable. Even if it starts as play fighting, tensions can easily escalate to make the night uneasy.

5. Minimize inside jokes

This goes along with making sure everyone feels involved. Inside jokes are best avoided on a double date, since they are exclusive by nature. Situations are rarely as funny when you explain them, and dwelling on times when others weren’t there can make others feel left out. Refraining from inside jokes with whoever you know best in the group will make for a more pleasant night for everyone.

6. Avoid movies

While a favorite movie is a great way to spend the night with your significant other, on a double date it can be awkward. Aside from the fact that four people may have trouble deciding on one movie to see, movies don’t let you get to know anyone else there. Either you sit in silence and don’t really get to know each other, or you’re tempted to get too familiar with your date.

7. Plan well

Finally, it’s always in your best interest to take one last moment to review your plans.The smoother the night, the better the date. Make sure you have adequate transportation, know your reservations or business open hours, and have your phone charged. By keeping the evening free of potential complications, you make it easier for everyone to stay relaxed. Knowing any potential scheduling conflicts beforehand will make your night a breeze.