Calm people are able to plan and settle their work so they can function optimally. We can learn a thing or two (or seven) from them.

1. They have an outlet to channel their frustrations and anger

When calm people are faced with pressure and stress they tend to focus on ways to release their negativity. They do not let such anxiety or stress overwhelm them, rather they use certain avenues to take away their negativity feelings. This could be through exercising, listening to music, or participating in certain hobbies. By doing this, they can be in control of what happens to them rather than allowing it to take over them.

2. They have a decent sleep

They know that being tired and sleepy has a way of making them cranky or stressed. Your mood can be greatly influenced by your body’s energy level. To keep your body’s energy level up you should learn to give your body the rest it deserves. Calm people do well to take regular siestas or short naps so as to remain energized.

3. They maintain a clean and neat work-space

When your work-space becomes disorganized and disheveled it is difficult to remain calm. A workplace that has things piling up and waiting to be done tends to cause anxiety and stress. To avoid this, calm people are very meticulous about their environment. It is placating to have things in place and available when you need them. Calm people are great at organizing their desk so they know where everything is. When you have a tidy work-space you are more relaxed and set to do things when they need to be done.

4. They take breaks

They find time to take a break from a busy schedule. Such time could be used to blow off some steam and unwind. While many persons may not see the necessity of taking breaks and giving themselves the time to recharge, calm people know that this is a weapon they can use in planning and settling their work. Ideally such vacationing or breaks are great at preventing burnout, reducing stress, and improving health.

5. They connect and socialize

There is no point thinking and acting that you can get everything done by yourself. Calm people are great at socializing and seeking the support of others to get their job done. They are not ashamed to ask for help or seek advice if they have to. They do understand the importance of togetherness and friendship. Such becomes reassuring for them and a channel to settle their work more often.

6. They dial back on coffee

There is something about coffee. However, more than 500 mg of caffeine a day can increase your anxiety. A moderate dose of a coffee a day is great, but if your daily routine includes drinking more than five cups of coffee, you are brewing anxiety for yourself. Calm people know that while caffeine has its strengths, too much of it can be a disadvantage for them.

7. They write it down

To settle and plan adequately, calm people write down their thoughts. They express gratitude and their negative thoughts through this channel. Moreover, it helps them maintain clarity about their goals and desires. As much as they can look at the past, they can also strategize and prepare for the future. Writing has a way of preventing stress and worries by replacing the negative energy with positive energy, which helps meet the challenges ahead. Featured photo credit: via