1. Remind Yourself It’s Only Temporary

Life is temporary. Everything in life is temporary. You are temporary. No matter how bad things are right now, it is only temporary. Suck it up and make it through, and you’ll be that much stronger, wiser, and more beautiful for it. You’ve been through worse than this.

2. Meditate and/or Medicate

In the holistic view, meditation is the answer to every problem. Your problems become easier to overcome if you sit still long enough. I’ve used meditation to great success to keep myself calm at work, and you can too. All it takes is to close your eyes for a minute and listen to your breath. Feel your chest expand and contract as you breathe in…and out…in…and out…In as little as five minutes, you’ll be refreshed and renewed, making the work a little easier. Most holistic teachers ignore the benefits of medications, but Western medicine is prescription-based and I would be doing you a great disservice to not recognize this. If things are really getting to be too much and your stress or anxiety just won’t go away, go and see a doctor to discuss accessing therapy or anti-anxiety medications. Also know your limits if you decide to self-medicate, or you’ll end up hurting yourself more than helping.

3. Stop Multitasking

Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew. Just because you’re facing a mountain of paperwork doesn’t mean you have to reach the summit in one shot. Having more work doesn’t mean you have to do more at once – it’s not like you suddenly gain superpowers when the work necessitates it. Continue at a pace you’re comfortable with. Splitting your focus will just tire you out faster.

4. Accept Failure

No matter how good you are at what you do, no matter how much you practice, you will fail in life. It’s unavoidable. Accepting the possibility of failure makes it easier to get through the work. Things may be bad if you fail, but unless you’re in the military or a bomb squad, few deadlines lead to actual death. Do your best to deliver results, but if it doesn’t happen, you at least know you did your best.

5. Take a Hike

Sometimes you need to walk away from the office for a moment to gather your wits. Don’t be afraid to take a 15-minute stroll to keep your sanity despite the insane workload you’re facing. It may feel like slacking off, but it’s better for you in the long run. I love taking walks to invigorate my mind and body while giving me time away from the heat to formulate plans to get through it all. Try it out.

6. Stop Surfing the Internet

Let’s be honest – you’re procrastinating right now. There’s no real business purpose for you to be online. You’re avoiding work. If you weren’t avoiding work by surfing the Internet, maybe work wouldn’t be so insane. You’d get your tasks completed, and you’d have time later on to surf the Internet. I live online, so I can assure you nothing is happening right now that can’t wait another hour or so to read about. If anything important does happen, you’ll hear about it. Focus on work.

7. Know When to Fold ‘Em

Some workplaces are always insane. Think about what the hiring manager told you: did they say there may be occasional overtime, and suddenly you’re finding out “occasional” means 12-hour days seven days a week? Temporary (i.e. 3–6 months) bouts of insane workloads are normal, but if you constantly feel like work is insane, maybe this isn’t the job for you. Take a moment to really look at your life and decide if this is worth it. If it’s not, don’t be afraid to leave; just do it in a professional manner.