They are organized.

Type A’s are organized to a fault. When you enter their closets you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that all their clothes are not only folded, sorted, and hung up, but are likely arranged according to type of clothing, fabric and color. Their shoes may even be neatly stacked and stored in shoe boxes. Their calendars are updated and their pantries are stocked and labeled. The best part of all this is when they are your partner – you get the benefit of this organization. You may not be excited at the idea of organizing your own closet or remembering every last detail in your address book but your partner will be more than happy to help you out.

They plan ahead.

Type A’s are planners. They conduct SWOT analyses and plan for best and worst case scenarios. Going on vacation? Type A’s will not only find and book the best airfares and top rated hotels months ahead of time, they’ll start studying the destination and put together a day by day plan so they don’t miss a thing. Type A’s are always prepared. Did your four-year-old spill milk all over his shirt for the third time when you’re out of the house? Don’t worry, your Type A partner probably has four or more spares stored in the car. When you’re with a Type A you can relax, they’ll do the planning for you. But the best you can do for a Type A is remind them to plan time to relax themselves.

They put their best into everything they do.

Type A’s tend to be perfectionists. If they take on a project or commit to something, they don’t just get the job done, they get it done exceptionally well. That means that they’ll put the best into your relationship, too. When you’re with a Type A partner, you can count on them remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates. Plus, they won’t just remember – as we said before, Type A partners plan ahead so get ready to have a wonderful, planned celebration complete with gifts.

They are passionate.

Type A people live life with passion. They engage in things that make them excited and they pour their hearts into relationships. Type A partners will devote themselves to you and your relationship with passion, and they will take commitment seriously. They wear their hearts on their sleeves, so if something is wrong or they are starting to lose interest in the relationship, you’ll know when their passion decreases.

They won’t be overly dependent on you.

Type A’s have a lot going on. They are passionate about relationships, but they’re also passionate about everything else that they commit to. Type A people are busy bodies; they are happiest when they are over committed. So if you’ve struggled with past partners who had nothing to focus on but your relationship, you can feel comfortable that being with a Type A means you’ll have plenty of breathing room. If they are not focusing on the relationship, it’s because they are focused on one of the many other things they’ve got on their plate. They won’t depend on you to make them happy or keep them happy.

They live their life with purpose.

Purpose is important to Type A people. While they may seem task and planning oriented, all their work and efforts usually ladder up into a greater vision. If your partner is a Type A, you can be sure that they view their life and your relationship as meaningful. You an be proud in knowing that your partner will achieve even more than the obvious.

They don’t take no for an answer.

Type A people are resilient and stubborn. If they want something, they will stop at nothing to get it. This trait applies to things that they want for their partners. As a Type A myself, when my husband and I found ourselves placed in middle seats in the middle section of an airplane for a transatlantic trip, I didn’t stop talking to and negotiating with the airline staff until the situation was remedied – and we were both seated in business class. While that situation may seem trivial, the same drive and persistence applies to many other facets of a Type A’s  life, including career, finances, and personal passions. Featured photo credit: Enamoured Couple is Playing / Richard Foster via