1. You have a hard time losing weight.

So many of us would love to shed the pounds, but it seems like nothing we do works. If you’ve been trying to lose weight to no avail, try drinking ginger water every day. Ginger has been shown to increase your metabolism. Furthermore, it is used as an active ingredient in many weight loss supplements. Additionally, ginger suppresses your appetite by helping you to feel full for longer amounts of time. Let’s do the math: eating fewer calories + burning more calories = weight loss!

2. You have digestion problems.

IBS is pretty common in the United States, affecting 25-45 million Americans. It can be very painful, causing bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea, and even constipation. Luckily for you (if you have IBS or bad gas), ginger can provide some much-needed relief. Ginger soothes and relaxes the intestines, which helps alleviate all of the symptoms of IBS.

3. You get motion sickness or frequent nausea.

Ginger is well-known for being one of the best treatments for nausea. For those of us who feel queasy every time we get in the back seat of a car or ride a boat, ginger can come to the rescue. In fact, it can help anyone who feels nauseous, even if motion sickness isn’t the culprit. Pregnant women often get morning sickness and feel very nauseous every morning. Similarly, some women’s cramps during their “time of the month” can be so painful it induces nausea. Drinking ginger water every day can cure these terrible symptoms! In fact, ginger has been shown to alleviate not only nausea, but also the cramp pain itself.

4. You’re often sick.

Do you always seem to have a cold or a runny nose, and it just won’t go away? Ginger water is the answer! Ginger boosts the immune system. Doctors say ginger can cleanse the lymphatic system, flush out toxins, and kill bacteria. All of these benefits lead to more time spent being healthy.

5. You have a low sex drive.

Believe it or not, ginger actually increases your desire to get freaky in the sheets! Ginger naturally improves circulation throughout the body, which is why it also helps with arthritis and irritable bowels. In doing so, ginger also improves circulation through our sex organs. This circulation increases blood flow to our organs, which means you’ll find yourself ready to go more often!

6. Alzheimer’s runs in your family.

If someone in your immediate family is suffering from Alzheimers, you could be at risk of contracting it yourself. There are a few studies that have shown Alzheimer’s to be potentially genetics related, which means your family could pass it on to you. Drinking ginger water every day reduces your risk of contracting the disease because ginger has been shown to slow down the loss of brain cells.

7. You get frequent heartburn.

Heartburn plagues almost 22 million Americans on a daily basis, and even more on a weekly and monthly basis. It’s painful, uncomfortable, and plain annoying. In fact, many of the acid blocker medications normally prescribed by doctors simply don’t work for everyone. If you’ve tried other methods to no avail, drinking ginger water every day may provide you the relief you’re seeking.


Ginger has many amazing healing properties. It has been touted as a miracle cure for many ailments and for many generations. Asian countries have been using it as a medicinal herb for over 2,000 years, so it must be doing something right if we’re still using it today!