1. They don’t smile around you

Obviously, this is a telltale sign that someone doesn’t like you. If a coworker can’t even muster up the strength to smile at you when they walk past you in the hallway, they probably don’t want anything to do with you. Of course, if it happens once, you can probably assume they’re having a bad day. But if it happens continuously, you’ll know there’s a problem.

2. They don’t make eye contact with you

Making eye contact with someone is a sign of trust and respect. If a colleague refuses to literally see eye-to-eye with you, chances are they figuratively don’t, either. If they’re constantly focused on their phone or computer, or anything else other than your face while you’re speaking, it should be clear that they have better things to do than waste time talking to you; and you definitely have better things to do than waste time talking to them.

3. They spread rumors about you

What is this, high school? I’m sure it’s not that hard to believe that even adults spread rumors from time to time. And you can rest assured that if they take the time to spread a rumor about you, it’s because they actively do not like you. But think about it: do you really want to be friends with someone who hasn’t grown out of such juvenile behavior?

4. They don’t talk much to you

I know small talk is boring, but it can be done with just about anyone. It’s not hard to do. You can talk to someone you’ve never met about sports or the weather, and you can be sure they’ll at least engage with you for a short period of time. When someone completely ignores your attempts at small talk, it’s pretty obvious they’d rather be doing anything than talking to you.

5. They exhibit negative body language toward you

Think of how you act when you get caught in a conversation you don’t want to be in. You probably slouch a bit, shuffle your feet, or nod your head quickly as if to say “Uh-huh, yea, that’s great, gotta go.” Again, if this happens once in a while you shouldn’t jump to any conclusions, as they might just be in a rush to get something finished. But if someone consistently exhibits such unfriendly body language toward you, just submit to the realization they don’t want to associate with you.

6. They don’t include you

Some people might not be so forthright in showing their disdain for you. Be on the lookout for passive-aggressive behavior as well. Notice when people are intentionally leaving you out of office functions, such as happy hour or birthday parties. They might even neglect to bring you into important meetings or group projects. If this happens, you might want to have a discussion with your team about what can be done to fix the issue.

7. They ignore you

There’s not much worse than being treated as if you’re completely invisible. If this happens to you in the workplace, definitely speak up to your supervisor. You should be especially mindful when colleagues ignore your requests for help or your suggestions on how to better go about a specific issue. When their juvenile behavior has a direct negative effect on the productivity of the company, it’s time for changes to be made. Featured photo credit: The Argument / PROKurt Bauschardt via farm6.staticflickr.com