You Named it

Many people call their car by names when they’re trying to get the motor started, but if you constantly refer to your car by the name you gave it, you could be spending too much time with it. Also, if you always refer to your care as “her” instead of “it,” this could be another sign. If this sounds like you, you may want to stop referring to your car by a first name for a while. Having a joking nickname for your car is much different than actually having a name that you call it by religiously. For example, my burgundy Camry was called Ron Burgundy.

You Buff it Several Times a Day

Are you spending all of your free time washing, waxing and buffing your car? Whether it’s brand new, a few years old, or a classic from the ’50s, this is way too much time for you to be spending with your car. Dial it back to once a week, over even once every other week, depending on the conditions you drive it in. Having a clean car is important though, if in a high profile job and having a fancy set of wheels adds to your image then make sure to keep your pride and joy clean.

You Show it off

Do you show off your car to friends, family, and coworkers when they’re around your car? This is another sign that you’re spending too much time with it. It’s fine to show it off to your buddies when it’s new or you’ve made modifications, but do you really want people thinking you’re obsessed with your car? This is different if you have a rare car that people generally ask about, then you can show off your car because it is something that people don’t see often.

Too Many Modifications

Have you gone overboard on the modifications you added to your car? Did you buy special seat covers and floor mats? A decorative mirror hanging? Scented cartridges, even if your car still has a new-car smell? Yet again, another sign you’re spending too much time with your car. Instead of adding so many modifications, keep it to a few, and replace those every so often.

Spending too Much Money

All of the modifications you may wish to make to your car can add up. If you’re spending more money on your car than your family, and the money isn’t for repairs, then you’re definitely spending too much time with your car. Instead of shopping for new modifications on a regular basis, only pick a new one out on a special occasion, such as your birthday.

Too Many Repairs

You may be spending too much time with your car without actually wanting to. If your car constantly needs repairs, you may be spending a lot of time and energy fixing it. If you can relate to this, it may be time to trade in your old junker. Even if you can’t afford a new car, there are plenty of great used cars that are affordable, such as a used car.

Security System in Your Garage

This isn’t a general sign but in many cases car fanatics have a security system attached to their garage but not to their house. Personally, I have known people with family and children who had a security system on their garage but not their home. Not only can having a security system on your entire home be safer but also could almost pay for itself in homeowners insurance. If any of these six signs sound like you, you may want to dial back how much time you spend with your car. Try some of the suggestions mentioned to curb your time.