1. Wake up in quiet time.

Instead of waking up and immediately thinking about going to work or the daunting, stressful day you will have, begin your wake-up routine in quiet time. One way to do this can be by meditating or just spending a few moments in asking the universe for guidance and strength. Think of a few moments that bring you joy and just say thank you that you are alive and well. There is nothing complicated involved, but this will have a great impact on the kind of day you will have.

2. Practice being present.

Allowing yourself to be present means you are not thinking about the future, possibly getting yourself worked up about what’s ahead, and you’re also not dwelling on past events that leave you feeling deflated. There is only one moment in time, and that is the present, so by only focusing on the here and now, you will feel more energy, calmness, focus and peace.

3. Be the best you can be for today.

Quit putting limits on yourself by doing the best you can in all that you do. (Being present helps too!) Don’t get caught up by comparing yourself to others either; you are an individual and YOUR best is good enough. Give yourself credit for what you do. There is no need to overdo things to make yourself feel better. Do your best and do enough for today.

4. Start the day on a positive vibe.

During your morning routine, I want you to think about where you have come from to where you are today, and be thankful. Think about your dreams and how amazing it will be when you are living them. What does this look like and feel like? Visualize and get excited about it!

5. Deal with negative people the right way.

So you’ve gotten your day off to a great start—your dreams are swishing around in your brain, you’re present and experiencing happiness for the first time in ages, and then someone comes along and ruins the moment! What do you do? (No, please don’t do that). Instead of reacting, you are going to learn how to respond—there is a difference. Step one—Think before you speak. Has someone said something to you that is ridiculously untrue, like insulting you and calling you a name? Have they come into your space with a bag of negative vibes complaining about everything? Step two—Breathe, be responsible for your reactions, forgive them, and don’t take it personally. It is easier said than done, but as with everything, practice makes perfect. – Tim Russert

6. Find something to smile about.

Always find something to laugh and smile about throughout the day this will keep your mood up and you will have a great day. Your positive energy attracts more positive things in your life; remember this always.

7. End the day being grateful.

Looking back on your day and searching for the awesome things that happened, no matter how small, can make a big difference to the end of your day. You will feel relaxed and have better sleep too. Instead of worrying about all the uncompleted tasks and what tomorrow may bring, write down or visualize what you are grateful for. Let’s face it: if you followed the previous advice you would have lots of amazing things to be grateful for, like the perfect day you just had (even if things did go wrong)!

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