Here are some effective ways to tap into your innate power source and sustain a high energy level throughout the day.

1. Be Kind to Yourself

We often treat ourselves more harshly than others do. How often do you find yourself talking more kindly to a co-worker or even a stranger who made a mistake than you would to yourself in the same situation? If you want to increase your energy levels, this isn’t the way to do it. Contrary to what that nagging inner critic may say, treating yourself with kindness and patience does not make you lazy or selfish. It may feel challenging at first, but train your mind to speak to you with the compassion and understanding that you would give to a friend, and watch how it inspires and motivates you over time.

2. End the Blame Game

Placing blame on other people, situations, or circumstances takes our power away because we are left thinking, “It wasn’t my fault. There was nothing I could do.” Taking 100% responsibility for your life and giving up excuses in favor of taking the necessary action is, perhaps, easier said than done — but worthwhile. You’ll find that when you stop spending so much energy looking for flaws and mistakes in others, you’ll have more energy to focus on your own path and responsibilities, which will help you maintain a high energy level each day.

3. Stop Tolerating Things That Don’t Work For You

Tolerating comes in many forms. You could say “Yes” when you want to say “No,” have to deal with leaky faucets, interact with people not keeping their word or missing deadlines, look around at a messy house or office, and more. Anything that you like but also feel that you are putting up with is also something you are tolerating. Tolerating things that aren’t serving you takes an enormous amount of energy. If there are things you can let go of or ignore, do so in the hopes of finding a high energy level at the end of that tunnel. Say “no” next time a co-worker wants your help on a project but you’re already swamped with work. Making sure you have enough time and energy to live your life in the best way possible shows strength, not selfishness.

4. Find Opportunities to Help Those in Need

As human beings we are designed to live in a community, and we feel really good when we can make a difference for another person, whether it’s through small acts of kindness, volunteering, or just listening to a friend who is upset. Helping another is a natural mood booster because it takes our attention off our own problems and enables us to soak in the energetic goodness of our own generosity[1]. As Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

5. Practice Unwavering Optimism

Focusing on challenges and defeats will slow us down and stop us in our tracks. A better approach: Even when things are going wrong, look for the lesson or the opportunity. Shifting the focus from the problem to the solution, seeing new avenues to take, and having a greater awareness of what’s possible not only prevents the energy drain, but also infuses us with a high energy level we may not have felt recently. New possibilities cause our energy to go up. We are interested, engaged, and willing to keep moving forward.

6. Have a Daily Centering Practice

Take time to just breathe and observe yourself in the present moment. The “now” is a place that is free from the guilt and regret over the past and from worry about the future. Next time you’re tired, instead of drinking a cup of coffee, drink in the sound and sensation of your own breath. The past and the future are truly insignificant. The only thing that matters is where you are at this very moment. By focusing on your breath and the present moment, you can instantly reduce stress and reintroduce yourself to the power you have within you to take action now. You can learn more about adding mindfulness meditation to your routine here.

7. Put Your Passions on Your Schedule

What do you love doing so much that you lose track of time and find yourself with a constantly high energy level? Allowing yourself to engage in those activities more often can prevent your battery from getting low or recharge it if you find yourself running low on energy. To make sure you have time in your schedule for what’s important to you, work your priorities around your passions rather than vice versa—and watch your energy soar. If you love to run marathons but haven’t trained in months, schedule thirty minutes each morning to go out and run before work. If you have a passion for painting but haven’t picked up a brush in years, make a plan to spend an hour each evening working on your next piece.

The Bottom Line

A high energy level starts with eating healthy, getting regular exercise, and sleeping well, but it can be altered significantly by changes to the way we speak to ourselves, how we organize our projects, and who we spend time with. Shifting each of these things can help you find the energy you seem to have left on the side of the road a while back.
Choose one of the energy boosters above and see what working on it does for your life in the short and long term. You may find you’re finally able to muster up enough energy to get back to doing what you really love and living your best life.

More on Finding Energy

12 Changes to Make When You Feel a Lack of Energy and Motivation Manage Your Energy so You Can Manage Your Time 7 Things You Can Do to Deal with Low-Energy Days

Featured photo credit: Omar Lopez via