1. We know why REI is so amazing

Backpackers need specific types of gear. It’s not always easy to find the perfect sleeping bag or trail ready backpack. When you shop onREI, you can get everything you need to hit the road with none of the drama of failed equipment. Plus, with a membership, you give dividends back each year, making it the best $20 membership a backpacker can have. But while REI is a fantastic option, you also know how to pull the ropes at Walmar.

2. We get excited looking at maps

No matter what your next journey entails, you will probably need a map to get you there. Maps are glorious things filled with unlimited possibilities. Since backpackers are happy to go off the beaten trail, we can’t always just find someone to ask for directions. That’s just the moment you need that handy dandy map.

3. We impress friends by mentioning how cheap we travel

Sure, you can buy one of those package travel deals that takes you all over Europe. But, you pay a lot of overhead when you get in on those group deals. We trade the simplicity of travel packages for the excitement of lesser known travel. Anyways, we love the stories we get from crashing at the semi-sketchy hotel and camping out beneath the stars. That’s really what travel is all about, after all. And it can save us a lot of dough. All the better to plan our next trip.

4. We have super buff back muscles

One of the best parts of backpacking is the simplicity of carrying all your stuff on your back. Forget the rolling bags and fancy people carrying suitcasesto your room. With a few quick zips and snaps, you can easily carry everything you’ll need. Hoisting that pack up on your back is like a bonus workout for every journey. Back muscles are sexy and backpackers definitely have more than their share.

5. We love to do as the locals do

When you are backpacking, you get to see the world in a radically different way than those doing packaged tours. You have the opportunity to really chat with locals. This also gives you the opportunity to find the cheapest and best experiences in this new place. Instead of paying those tourist prices, you go hang with the guys at the local pub and enjoy a more authentic travel experience.

6. We have some really beaten travel clothes

Remember when you were hiking over the Andes? When you came back, your boots were really too beaten to take on another journey, but you couldn’t just throw them out. Those boots are an important part of your history. You couldn’t have seen all that you did without their help. It’s much easier to throw them in the closet and occasionally reminisce as they come out. And don’t even get me started on that old beaten jacket that helped you survive that long winter in Europe.

7. We have way too many travel guides

Backpackers tend to set their own agenda when traveling. This means that we need a book or two to help us plan the journey. If your family has some old school backpackers, you may find chunks of travel guides laying about. Why take the whole book when you can simply out the parts you need? Modern backpackers may have printouts of digital guides or maybe just a phone overflowing with travel apps. Either way, we have lots of information about the places we love to visit. Featured photo credit: Hermann via pixabay.com