You Better Recognize…

You deserve recognition. It’s OK to accept that you’re a great person who deserves praise. Religion and economics sometimes have the effect of lowering your self worth; even a bad relationship or family discourse can get you down. You’re not just some Joe Schmo, and even if you were, we all know his name, so there’s no reason we shouldn’t know yours. Keep your head up and love yourself, and people will start recognizing you as the only person in the office who doesn’t complain.

Dependence Is Taxing…

So you showed up on time and performed 12 of the 27 job duties you and seven other people are paid to do; do you want a cookie? People shouldn’t have to run around patting you on the back every time you’re considerate enough respond to an email or complete a project on time. You don’t deserve a promotion or a raise for meeting expectations. You earn recognition and rewards for going above and beyond. Drop the sense of entitlement–it doesn’t look cute on you.

All You Need Is Love…

No matter what occupation you choose, you’re going to put in a lot of thankless hours. It’s not like the media followed LeBron James from the womb; the only person watching his first time holding a basketball was LeBron and his parents. You know who he is because he put in 10,000 hours mastering his craft by the time he was 21. If you love what you’re doing, you won’t care whether or not anyone recognizes it; you’ll be happy doing what you’re doing, regardless of who’s watching. The only way to cope emotionally with that workload is to love what it is you’re doing and believe in it with every fiber in your body. Everything else is just a matter of time.

Actions Speak Louder than Words…

Not everyone expresses themselves verbally–sometimes you may receive a simple smile, a free meal, or a congratulatory slap on the butt for hitting a homerun at work. Many times when the company is doing poorly, they’ll cut back on employee incentives. Suddenly you’ll see things like donuts in the break room disappear or the coffee maker being replaced by vending machines. It’s during these times (and many others) that many supervisors use their own money to make their employees happy. They do this to show you that you’re appreciated. It doesn’t always have to be a direct thank you.

Be Objective…

Do you truly deserve recognition–are you always actively digging the same hole the team is, or are you on the other end of the worksite texting? Do you think we don’t know how long it really takes to process that report? If you’re slacking off, you actually are getting attention, but it’s not for hard work. Think about whether or not you’d know if people are slacking off and ask yourself how dumb you believe your boss to truly be.

Respect Yourself…

If you don’t focus on you, nobody else will. One of the easiest ways to get attention at work is to suddenly show up in a suit every day. With time, everyone will be talking about you. People in suits will ask who the guy in the suit is. You’ll have the entire office’s attention with everything you do–and by default, all the work you’re currently doing will get a lot more attention.

Create Demand…

Applying for other jobs is a great way to get attention. You don’t even have to apply for one–simply bring up places that are hiring in conversations. You can mention that another company has shown interest in your work and ask for more money. Be careful though, because you may find out how expendable you are, and the reality check could include losing your job as your boss calls your bluff. You’ll have their attention either way, though, as most companies have you take an exit interview.


Dude…that’s not real bacon…I swear, I’ll bite you… When all else fails, smile; it changes people’s perception of you. When you turn something in with a smile, they’ll want to talk to you about your day. You may even get a date out of it. A genuine and confident smile will always attract more attention than a lowered head and hunched shoulders holding up a grumpy Gus. Put a smile on your face and make the world a better place–if for no other reason than to piss off your haters.

7 Things You Can Do If Your Hard Work Goes Unnoticed - 7