1. Know yourself to learn to love

If you’re looking to find love, the best place to start looking is your subconscious and that’s exactly where meditation comes in. Daily meditation provides you with the opportunity to really get to know yourself. The ability to visualize your role in a happy and healthy romantic relationship is vital to improving your love life. Happiness, whether romantic or not, starts with you. Before you can love someone else you must love yourself.

2. Elevates health benefits

Studies have shown that mediation is not only good for the soul but it’s also good for the body. In addition to reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, meditation also helps reduce stress. So if you’re feeling too achy or stressed out to resolve an issue with your spouse or go on that blind date, set aside some time to meditate.

3. Allows you to make time for reflection

The more you meditate the more improvement you’ll see in your day-to-day life. Meditation will also let you contemplate and celebrate how far you’ve come in your journey to self-actualization. Reflection is an important part of moving forward. For all of you singles out there, reflection is exactly what will keep you from making the same romantic mistakes over and over again. It will also give you the chance to make corrections in your life in order to gain perspective and find the right person for you.

4. Elevates empathy and compassion

If you’re looking to put the swing back into your love life, look no further than “Metta.” Metta or “loving-kindness” is a word used in Buddhist traditions to describe a kind of meditation focused on developing a deep sense of benevolence and care towards all living beings. Empathy is a major part of communication and without these two things, your relationships are doomed to fail. So the next time your significant other is in a bad mood think of “Metta.”

5. Boosts brain function

Being single for a long stretch of time can put you in a funk. Focus and optimism are just a few things that go when you’re feeling the single blues. Luckily, spending thirty minutes a day meditating reduces the brain’s sense of loneliness.

6. Enhances energy

If you’re looking for a relationships or in a long-term relationship, you need to have enough energy to go out there and be romantic. Relationships require a lot of work. If you do not have the time or energy to dedicate to another person, you might need to take more time meditating on what it is you want. If you are ready to take the romantic plunge, focus on your breathing. Studies show that deep breathing meditation gives your body the extra oxygen bump it needs to keep going.

7. Increases positivity

Love isn’t easy; there are about 100 songs that attest to that. But when it comes to love and life, it’s how you face adversity that will determine your character. So when the going gets tough, don’t take the easy way out. Remain calm and stay positive! Use all of your resources, including meditation, to find a solution to your romantic problems and then implement it. Featured photo credit: Nathan Walker via unsplash.com