Last weekend, as I sat down to watch the latest Star Wars movie for the first time, my thoughts were filled with the anticipation of years of build up, the wonder if it would live up to my expectations and that feeling “Am I in for another “Phantom Menace”? I vividly remember walking out of the theater with a smile as large as a rainbow after the rain. It was all that I had hoped it would be. Thinking back on the experience, I now realize that during the movie, I found myself able to recite the lines before they were spoken, and easily able to predict the outcome before it happened. As I took in the drama, action, and the inevitable lightsabers, it felt like I had watched this same thing many times over, all before I had watched finished watching this latest version. Did you know that Hollywood utilizes only a handful of themes to produce all of its movies? Neither did I. This led me to wonder about my own life. Is my life as predictable as a Hollywood movie that anybody watching could recite its lines as they happen and guess how it will end before it does? The short answer? Maybe. You and I both know that we tend to live our day-to-day lives on autopilot. How then, can we prevent this from happening?

1. Live Each Moment As If It Was Your Last.

I know that this sounds cliché, so bear with me. Imagine a world where you know you aren’t going to wake up the next day. If you knew that, what would you do with your time? Would you watch television? Play video games? Sleep? Spend time on Facebook? Or would you find a way to do all the things that you want to do, but haven’t accomplished yet.

2. Take Risks.

Risks are scary. I get that. As far as I am concerned, living a risk-free life is scarier. Risks will make you feel alive. You don’t need to scale a mountain or jump out of a plane if that isn’t your style, but make sure you do take some risks that are more to your style.

3. Don’t Procrastinate.

By procrastinating you are only cheating yourself out of what you are truly capable of doing. How will you ever know what you can accomplish in life if you continually say, “I’ll do it tomorrow”?

4. Do The Opposite of What Is Expected

How many times have you heard that you are predictable? Me too. That all changed when I decided to make a conscious effort to change the way I react to situations or come up with solutions. Not only will you take others by surprise, but more importantly you will surprise yourself.

5. Let The Bad Guy Win

We all have a voice inside our heads that tells us what to do and what not to do. Usually, this voice keeps us out of trouble. However, tragically, it can prevent us from becoming great. Occasionally let the other voice win and see where it takes you.

6. Don’t Spend Your Life Chasing The Uncatchable

How many movies have you watched where one person spends their entire existence in pursuit of something, only to: Pay special attention to number 2. Your life is not dictated by anything, nor should it be. Spend your life, in pursuit of YOUR life.

7. If You Can Win The First Time, Then Win. Otherwise Don’t Be Afraid To Lose.

I can only speak for myself, but winning is amazing and losing, well, isn’t. When given the option of winning or losing, I will always choose to win. There are times when this isn’t always possible. Occasionally, we must lose. If you do, be sure to embrace it wholeheartedly. Use your failures as an opportunity to grow even better. Keep trying and you will eventually win. But, don’t be afraid to lose what wasn’t meant to be. If, after all of this, you still feel the need to model your life after a movie, at least pick something that people would enjoy watching. Something like Star Wars (minus the prequels). Featured photo credit: via