It’s during these challenging moments that many people simply give up and accept their change as a loss. However, life is full of pleasant surprises and examples that show a better option – talk about transforming lemons into lemonades. History is full of people accepting their devastating injuries and like true champions – finding a way to achieve even more in the aftermath. A valuable example can be easily traced to the success stories already being achieved in the wake of the Boston Marathon Bombing. Survivors suffered various injuries and health issues, yet many are achieving great things with their lives, using the experience gained to realize their potential – all in just two years! So, how can you take inspiration from these real life heroes and improve your own life when the worst happens? Life-changing injuries don’t need to be a change for the worse and, with these life hacks, you can strive to overcome them like a boss!

1. Don’t Live in Denial

A positive attitude really does count for a lot, but even this initially requires acceptance. How can you have the right frame of mind if you don’t come to terms with your physical changes? One of the first things you should do is accept, both mentally and physically, what you can and can’t do. To put it another way, this is a way of finding your current limits and setting a goal to beat them. Once you know what you are and are not currently capable of, you can start finding ways to push that bar higher and higher. Denial, on the other hand, will simply mislead you.

2. Set Goals

Speaking of goals, it’s important to have a series of achievable targets, rather than one large or vague goal. The latter might look impossible, while a series of objectives more firmly within reach gives you something to constantly strive for. This can be as simple as using a wheelchair, learning to stand up on your own and then walking.

3. Find an Outlet

When injuries change you on a physical level, it’s often no surprise to experience emotional or mental changes as well. As part of the healing process, it helps to find an emotional outlet. Not only will this give you a means to work through your pain; it can help fill time, encourage you to head outdoors, and even meet others. This is also important because, in many incidents, the brain can be just as damaged as the body. The mind is a frail thing, so be sure not to neglect it during these difficult times.

4. Practice Mindfulness

As mentioned earlier on, it helps to accept your own physical limitations. Similarly, you should always keep these in mind, practicing constant mindfulness to ensure you don’t take on too much, do something dangerous, or push yourself too hard.

5. Go Back to Nature

There’s always been something calm and relaxing about the natural world and modern science suggests that even the smallest touches of nature can help people heal. Whether it’s the vibrant colors, the enticing fragrance or just forgetting about the city for a while, nature can play a large role in the healing process. You don’t need to even leave your home to do this. While a day away from the city life can do wonders, there’s nothing wrong with growing flowers and plants in your home. There are many activities you can enjoy with loved ones by simply embracing the environment.

6. Meet with Others

It’s a big world out there and no matter what happens, you are never alone. There are always other people who have experienced something similar and if you take the time to look, you can find people willing to share experiences. Perhaps more importantly, they might understand better too. Part of coming to terms with, and consequently beating injuries is finding a way to be happy. Positive thinking can lead to better, faster recovery rates and meeting like-minded individuals is a great way to do this. What’s more, people like company and seldom benefit from long periods of loneliness. Therefore, regular contact with other individuals will definitely give you the cheer to beat your setback!

7. Your Disability is not an Excuse

One of the biggest issues with disabilities is that life itself is often seen as an excuse. Yet, the fact remains that disabled people can do just as much as anyone else. The best way to describe this is to look at two different options. In one instance, you can work around your limitations or injury and find something you can do. This includes finding a job, or finding new hobbies to replace ones you no longer feel are suitable. By choosing a new path, you can stay active, engaged and happy. On the other hand, there are those who wish to push through their injuries, seeing the disability as a challenge. Many runners from the unfortunate Boston Marathon incident for example, have gone on to run again, defying expectations. In either case, you’re doing something. If you accept your disability and use it as a means to get out of things, life will never improve. Like anyone else, you have to push yourself and not fall back on excuses.

8. Become an Example/Inspiration to Others

Finally and perhaps, most importantly, you should always set an example for others. Many people look up to the survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing. Many have become a shining example of what individuals can achieve and if you’re ever in the same situation, there’s really no excuse not to do the same. In summary, many of these points focus on finding a passion or goal to inspire yourself but, by being the best you can be, you will also inspire others to do the same as well. Start thinking about how you want others to see you, and plan then to become that person! Featured photo credit: Official U.S. Navy Page via