People who keep diaries make great lovers for various reasons. Introspective, seeking answers and possessing profound knowledge of their complex minds, these life’s writers simply know how to make an intimate connection. Making love and keeping a diary share certain similarities, primarily a creation of memories. Writing down thoughts may determine their true meaning. An act of lovemaking might establish a connection between two people. Already allowing them onto those pages, here are the reasons why people who keep diaries also offer plenty of lasting memories to their lovers.

1. They’re curious.

Their curiosity for their lover is abundant which can only lead to ecstatic experiences in the bedroom. Curiosity is one of the most rewarding traits of the people who keep diaries as it nurtures their ability to make life interesting. They want to know everything about you. They want to know what turns you on. They’re curious about what you like and want to experience it with you.

2. They know themselves.

Knowing yourself is essential to being a great judge of character. People who keep diaries are in touch with their private thoughts, making it easy to understand their lover’s thought process. They know exactly who they are and want to know the same about you. They are aware that nobody’s perfect. They are likely to understand, accept and ultimately enjoy you just the way you are. They will expect the same from you.

3. They’re open to learning new things.

People who keep diaries tend to be fascinated by life which leads to an open-minded awareness. In the bedroom, this can only be a good thing. They can teach you something new or you can teach them – either way, they want to make you feel good. People who keep diaries seek new life experiences in a variety of ways, fun in the bedroom included.

4. They love a good story.

And they’ll make sure your lovemaking provides plenty of those (not to imply they would ever share them outside their diary). People who keep diaries are unlikely to allow boredom into the bedroom. They appreciate great stories and want to give their lover many of them. They tend to revel in their passion and cast in the role of your lover, and will try their best every time. They want to give you a special memory with every single instance of lovemaking you two have together, even if they won’t admit it.

5. Their focus is unshakable.

People who keep diaries know how to make the most of any given moment. When engaged in something, they are fully present and in the bedroom, their sole focus is you. They want to live in the moment with you. In addition to other benefits, keeping a diary is about reliving and remembering those magical moments.

6. They’re comfortable with themselves.

They might not be exceptionally confident but are often very comfortable with their true selves. As a result, people who keep diaries are entirely comfortable in the presence of their lovers – and who doesn’t like that?

7. They enjoy a low-stress existence.

Keeping a diary provides stress relief which allows for certain lightness in an intimate relationship. People who keep diaries experience emotional unburdening on a regular basis, as writing provides a positive outlet for it. They aren’t troubled by shame or fear and love coming up with new ideas. They want new experiences with you.

8. They have very little baggage.

Through writing, people who keep diaries are inclined to deal with the past. Archiving deep feelings about their former relationships usually leads to making peace with them. Void of emotional baggage, their level of attraction will increase. They seek full enjoyment with their current lover, allowing all the right things to happen. What are some of your experiences with people who keep diaries? Featured photo credit: Girl Using Laptop In Hotel Room/Ed Gregory via