Reasons You’ll Love Living in London

  1. The Entertainment Scene – It doesn’t cost a thing to visit cultural places like museums or art galleries, and there is a wide array of both in London. It also has a vibrant music scene, brilliant party ideas by groups, as well as a wide variety of plays and musicals being performed nightly throughout the city.
  2. Friendly and Safe – The people of London are some of the friendliest in the world, which is why it has been repeatedly rated one of the top 5 cities. It is also one of the safest, thanks to the excellent police system, coupled with the CCTV cameras that keep watch over the city.
  3. Excellent Schools – London boasts amazing schools, both private and state operated, all of which have great facilities for their students.
  4. Diversity – People from all over the world have come to live in London, which means a great opportunity to learn one of the 200 languages spoken there, as well as seeing the customs firsthand.
  5. Great Location & Citizenship by Investment – Because of its size, and the fact that so many other countries are so close, London offers great week-end getaways to locations like Paris or Italy. The UK also encourage a form of citizenship by Investment, where those who wish to visit this destination often (on business or other means), can literally acquire citizenship by virtue of making a substantial financial investment to the country.
  6. Beautiful Parks – No matter where a person is, there is always a gorgeous park nearby, where a person can jog, swim, skate, or just relax and enjoy the view.
  7. Public Transport – With buses and cabs on top and The Tube below, there is nowhere in London a person needs to go that can’t be reached by public transport.
  8. Changing Seasons – Winter snow, fresh air to breathe life into the spring flowers, sunny summer days, and the beautiful autumn colors of red and gold all represent the range of London’s seasons.

Reasons You’ll Hate Living in London

  1. Expensive – From the price of gas, to rent, to cost of living, London is quite an expensive place to live. Finding cheaper solutions may be difficult, so it may be necessary to seek out London relocation services long before a move, to keep the stress of house-hunting to a minimum.
  2. Queues – Whether queuing for a club, an art gallery, or even a bank machine, standing in line is a way of life in London.
  3. Tourists – London is one of the busiest cities in the world for tourists, thanks to its history and landmarks, which can become a bit trying for locals.
  4. Weather – With changing seasons comes changing weather, from pouring rain to burning sun, with wind or worse thrown in at any given time.
  5. Someone’s Always Watching – Remember the CCTV cameras listed above?  With the safety comes the lack of privacy of having cameras watching wherever a person goes.
  6. Pollution – Thanks to the horrendous amount of traffic in the city, it is one of the worst cities for air pollution.
  7. The Need for Supplements – With most of the city’s population spending the short days inside, Vitamin D supplements are a necessary replacement for actual sunshine.
  8. Traffic – Rush hour in any city is usual a horrendous experience, and London is no exception. But not only is driving in the city a chore, riding The Tube is equally frustrating, as scores of people cram together on their commute to and from work.