1. You know what you want in life

You can’t reach your destination unless you know where it is you wish to go. The most successful people can readily identify their core goals and key values. If you are not sure what you want to achieve, take a few hours to sit down with a pen and piece of paper and list your goals. This simple step can save you from wasting time and energy in chasing goals that will not fulfil you.

2. You always look for improvement

Truly exceptional people know that they can never afford to become complacent. They know that in order to stay ahead of their competition and to develop as individuals they need to continually seek out the areas in which they can improve. If you don’t look for new ways to improve yourself you risk wasting your talents and may experience a slump in motivation.

3. You learn from your failures

If you have the ability to take an honest look at what has gone wrong in your life and apply the lessons learned to your future endeavors, you are certainly on the right track. Success may be sweet but failure is a wonderful teacher. Those who learn from failure will soon find themselves making rapid progress.

4. You can say no to things that are not your priority

Successful people are keenly aware that our time on earth is limited, and could end at any point. This means that they are adept at focusing only on important tasks, taking care to make time for fun and relaxation as well. Allowing yourself to take on other responsibilities and people that are not really any of your concern simply wastes your time. People who know how to say “no” have more space in their lives to chase success.

5. You stay positive

A positive mindset is one of the most precious assets you can have, and the best news is that developing an optimistic outlook is completely free! Of course it takes time and effort to adopt a more upbeat approach to life, and making the choice to see the best in even the bleakest of situations does not come naturally to many of us. However, remaining positive even when everything appears to be going wrong is vital in maintaining the momentum required for long-term success.

6. You don’t care much about what others think

Asking for the opinions of friends, family and colleagues can be a valuable exercise, as it can provide you with new perspectives and ideas. However, successful people have enough self-confidence and faith in their own decisions that they do not allow what others think of them to dictate their actions or mood. This allows them to blaze new trails and become innovators in their fields.

7. You’re aware of your little progress

People who have achieved great things will often tell you that celebrating minor successes is just as important as striving for the end result. If you want to boost your motivation levels and scale new heights in life, break your largest goals down into small steps and celebrate every milestone.

8. You’re confident but not arrogant

Much like positivity, confidence is vital. Confident people identify what they want and then take every possible step to make it happen. However, it is important to squash any tendency you may have towards arrogance. A self-important, arrogant attitude is detrimental as it means you will be reluctant to acknowledge and learn from your mistakes. Don’t worry if you do not have all of the above eight qualities. They take time to develop and often come with maturity and experience. However, you can certainly hasten your own progress! Over the next few days, carefully monitor your thoughts. Ask yourself whether the messages you send yourself support the mindset described above. If not, it may be time to work on your self-esteem and re-evaluate what it is you are hoping to achieve in life.