I know there are tons of antioxidants in it so I decided to dig a bit deeper and find out other ways it can benefit my health and this is what I came up with:

1. Your skin quality needs to be improved

This one didn’t really surprise me. Did you know that green tea promotes overall skin health and helps protects against the sun’s UV rays? I usually drink my tea in the morning with my breakfast because I feel it sets a good tone for the rest of the day. After doing some research I saw that you can actually apply this to your skin so I decided to try it out. I used it only at night time before I applied my moisturizer. After consistently using it for about 2 weeks I noticed a major difference in my skin. I noticed that my skin was smoother, my redness wasn’t as noticeable and the overall elasticity of my skin seemed to have improved. To back this up, a group of researchers in Germany found that women who drank roughly 6 cups of green tea a day had less reddening of their skin.

2. You have high cholesterol level

There are actually many studies out there that have shown that green tea seems to help lower cholesterol. An article states: A study was done with male participants who took 375-milligram green tea capsules for 12 weeks daily and found that it significantly reduced the “bad” cholesterol while increasing the absorption of “good” cholesterol.

3. You are overweighted

Let’s be honest, most of us don’t drink green tea because of its taste. We drink it because we read that it helps with weight loss and maintaining weight. Green tea is actually considered a “superfood”. No matter how much research you do online, you won’t find any type of study that proves green tea makes you immediately lose weight – unfortunately. On the bright side however, studies have shown that green tea effectively aids in weight loss due to its properties, in addition to a healthy diet.

4. Your bones are not strong enough

I’m sure many of you are well aware of the condition osteoporosis. However, you may not know the crippling effects that come with having this condition. Research was conducted in Hong Kong and they found that green tea may have the potential to help prevent and treat many bone diseases. These same researchers also found that green tea has chemicals that will stimulate the formation of bones while helping to slow their breakdown.

5. Your oral health is not satisfactory

A whopping 940 men participated in a study in Japan and the study has shown that regularly drinking green tea can promote an overall healthy mouth. This is because the tea’s catechins help in killing mouth bacteria. Another plus is that those same catechins help kill bad breath!

6. You want to protect yourself from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

The Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharacology published a study in 2012 that had shown: In addition, those same researchers found that polyphenols can help prevent the buildup of brain-damaging proteins, as well as help prevent memory loss.

7. You are prone to cancers

A number of studies show that green tea benefits include protection against certain cancers. The data concluded that it’s strongest for bladder, ovarian, and esophageal cancers. Under certain circumstances, green tea has shown to lower the risk of breast cancer spreading as well as lowering the recurrence.

8. You have diabetes

Diabetes is something that our society is plagued with more than ever today. There is some evidence showing that drinking green tea can actually prevent diabetes. One study found that Japanese adults who drank more than six cups of green tea a day had a much lower risk (33 percent) of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drank a cup or less a day.