1. You Find the Work You Do Rewarding

The first telltale sign that you actually enjoy your job is that you find the work you do intrinsically rewarding. In other words, money isn’t your only motivating factor. You thoroughly enjoy seeing results and aren’t merely passing the time or waiting for your paycheck to arrive. That’s what good jobs do – they make you feel rewarded.

2. You Feel Motivated When You Wake Up in the Morning

When your alarm goes off in the morning and you hit the snooze button for the final time, what thoughts run through your head? If you actually feel motivated to get to work and start knocking things out, you know you’ve chosen the right job.

3. You Don’t Dread Sunday Evenings

Everyone knows that Sunday-night feeling when you come to the awful realization that the weekend is over and you have a full five days of work ahead of you. Or do you? If you don’t dread Sunday evenings and Monday mornings, you probably enjoy your job. Mondays and Fridays are the same in your book, because you’re doing what you love.

4. You Aren’t in Survival Mode

So many people approach work like a battle. They’re simply trying to survive until the next day. One way you know you’ve chosen the right job is that you aren’t in survival mode. Instead, you’re in attack mode. You show up to work every day ready to make things happen. That’s the sign of a satisfied employee doing what they love.

5. You Can’t Stop Telling People About Your Job

Do you ever catch yourself telling friends, family, and complete strangers about your job? Most of the time they could care less, but you keep on talking – jabbering away about how great your company is and why you love what you do. If this describes you, you definitely made the right decision.

6. You Rarely Look at the Clock

There are two types of workers when it comes to checking the clock. The first group constantly looks at the clock and thinks, “Has the minute hand even moved in the last couple of hours?” The second group quickly glances at the clock and thinks, “How is it already 4pm?” If you rarely look at the clock – and find yourself amazed at how quickly time has passed when you do take a glance – you can rest assured you love what you do.

7. You Genuinely Enjoy Spending Time With Your Coworkers

Jobs are so much more enjoyable when you actually like the people you work with. If you immediately text your coworkers after getting off work, or spend time with them on the weekends, you’re blessed with a good group of people. This also means you probably enjoy going to work on a daily basis.

8. You Don’t Understand How People Could Hate Their Jobs

According to a Deloitte Shift Index Survey, 80 percent of people hate their jobs. That means four out of ever five people in this country despise going to work each day (and that’s not even counting the people who are indifferent about their jobs). If you can’t possible wrap your mind around the idea that people hate their jobs, you know you’ve chosen the right one. If you found yourself nodding along to each of these points, you know you’ve made the right career decision. Count yourself among the fortunate – and never take your job for granted. Eighty percent of the workforce would long to be in your position! Featured photo credit: Steve Wilson via flickr.com