Here are 8 ways to change your attitude and to achieve just about anything you put your mind to.

1. Ask yourself each morning whether the way you plan to spend your day is how you would spend it if this was the last day of your life.

In his Stanford address, Steve Jobs shared some incredible insights with the Stanford graduates. Steve explains how he looks in the mirror each morning, and ask himself this question: And, if the answer is no for too many days in a row then he will seriously consider re-evaluating his goals. By asking yourself this question, you too can bring your focus in line with goals that really matter to you. The rest of your daily routines will pale into insignificance. But the goals which make the center of you attention will be connected to your deepest values. Your attitude to these remaining goals will rival the attitudes of the great minds.

2. Visit the Steve Jobs School of Attitude

In the same Stanford address, Steve jobs said: And great work he did! Not only did he bring his A-game to work every day, he inspired hundreds of people to achieve things with technology, that they never believed possible. Even after being fired as CEO, Jobs persisted, and eventually prevailed. Rather than to spend much time brooding over the fact that he had been sacked as CEO of Apple, he used an incredibly positive attitude to build another company called NeXT. This eventually led to him resuming his role at the head of the Apple boardroom.

3. Get Rid of Your Attitude of Entitlement

Multimedia advertising has us brainwashed into believing that happiness comes from getting that latest smartphone, or that flashy car. Not only that, we can acquire these things with the click of a button! Things have never been so easily accessible, and this has created an attitude of entitlement. Guess what? This attitude spills into the workplace. The end result? You stop growing. You stagnate. And evolution has taught us that a lack of growth equals death! To really achieve true greatness you need to have pretty much the opposite attitude. You need to ask yourself what you can give to a situation, rather than look to see what you can get from it. Approach each situation looking to see what value you can add to it. You’ll be amazed with your success and blown away by the impact it has on your attitude.

4. Train Your Mind Not To Expect Immediate Gratification

The information age hasn’t come without strings attached. Want that latest album by Coldplay? Download it now! Want the latest book by Stephen King? Grab it on Kindle now! Want a new pair of Shoes? It’s just a few clicks away on eBay. Technology has trained us to expect immediate gratification. But here’s the rub: If you want to achieve anything of real significance, you need to be patient. It’s not something that happens overnight. You’ve got to work at it every day for a long period of time. That’s how you kick the big goals. The key to greatness is being able to delay gratification. It’s about delaying immediate gratification, and putting in structured and sustained effort over time, which leads to achieving great things.

5. Don’t Give Yourself Too Much Time to Complete Tasks

That sounds counterintuitive, I know. But the truth is, the scope of a project often expands to accommodate the timeframe you allocate to it. The reverse is also true. If you set yourself challenging timeframes you are more likely to approach the task with a sense of urgency. Once you’ve developed momentum you’ll be well on your way to astonishing success. And success can do wonders for your attitude. After all, success begets success. You want to create a sense of urgency? Set yourself strict (but achievable) timeframes and do your best to meet them. You’ll work hard and play harder!

6. Get Really Clear On Your “Why”.

In this excellent TED Talk, Simon Sinek talks about the importance of understanding our why. He uses Apple as an example of a company that really is in touch with its “why”. In his speech Simon explains how Apple (and any very successful person or organization) effectively communicates their “Why”.  Apple challenges the status quo and thinks differently. This is Apple’s “Why”. The fact that Apple happens to achieve this by creating incredibly simple products that are easy to use is secondary. People connect with Apple’s beliefs through their products. When people buy Apple products they’re not just buying those products, they are buying into Apple’s belief system. Coming to terms with your “why” connects you with your core values. It puts you in touch with your deepest motivations. If you can make a clear connection between your deepest heartfelt values and the work you do every day, you will be unstoppable.

7. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

Smart is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Having high-level goals is great. It sets the direction for the coming months and years of your life. But that’s not enough. If you have goals that stretch into the distant future you’ll lack motivation to achieve them. Feedback needs to be far more frequent and far more immediate. Break your goals down to monthly, weekly, daily and hourly targets. You can do this in an Excel spreadsheet or a Word document.

8. Ask Yourself : Are There Any Underlying Assumptions Preventing Me From Having The Right Attitude?

Often we have underlying assumptions or notions that prevent us from giving it 100%. For instance you might hold the idea that rich people are necessarily corrupt or unethical.  If success in your part usually means greater amounts of wealth, this might prevent you from being successful. In these situations it is very useful to examine your notions and the underlying assumptions. Write down your assumptions. And then spend some time examining them. Question those assumptions that are stopping you from giving your work 100%. Ultimately, it’s important to realize that Steve Jobs was still a human being. He achieved great things, but that had a lot to do with his incredible attitude. If you want to achieve true greatness, apply these eight secrets. You’ll be amazed by the results. Featured photo credit: Strong woman lifting barbell as a part of crossfit exercise routine. Fit young woman lifting heavy weights at gym. via